My Black moor has ich

Fishy Jon

Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
My sisters black moor has ich I think. It is almost completely white except for its head. If you can please help I would appriciate it.
Whisper Odinsky said:
raising the temp. a bit until you get medicine. the sooner, the better.
What kind of medicine do I need is there a liquid or a tablet or something.
march up to your fish store- any store, and your best bet (until someone smarter then me can give you an actual product name) is to simply ask your fish store person whats going on. tell him the fish you have, and tell him what is wrong, just like how you posted it here. i hope this helps, i wish i could give you more info.
Raise the temp to 80-82, add a bit of salt, 1 tsp per gallon and use a medication containing malachite green and formalin. Always does the trick for me!
Also be sure to medicate for at least 5 days after the fish looks healthy kill the parasite in its freeswimming state.

Cheers and good luck with the battle! :thumbs:
Ron said:
Melafix is great fro kind of stuff too!
Doesn't help ich, however. For that you need a proprietory ich treatment. You could also add a little salt to the tank, provided you have to scaleless fish in there with the black moor.
Yep bump temp to 80F

Add airationi.e airstone attached to air pump, (warmer water less oxygen)

Add anti-whitespot meds ( if in uk try interpet number 9 i think anti-whitespot)

Add 1 tsp per gallon every 12 hours for 3 days in a row. (ONLY IF NO SCALESS FISH ARE PRESENT I.E CORIES, CATFISH, ANY FORM OF TETRAS, PLEC'S)

And pray like mad, the later you leave it the less chance of recovery!!!! ICH spreads like wildfire every 12 hours!!!!!!



I suffered an ICH outbreak with my 9 fantails they all survived but it was touch and go for awhile. You might notice that their fins will rot away with ICH but use MELAFIX to fix that.

Keep us posted

check levels of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate as these will tell you how your water is affecting your fish.

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