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  1. C

    Nano Diary

    Hey guys! It's been a while! I have recently had the urge to set up another aquarium and after experiencing saltwater I feel like I can never go back to fresh. My only problem is that I go to college and over long breaks, such as winter, I would be away for multiple weeks. If there was a way I...
  2. C

    Nano Diary

    Just to end this post. My parents ended up getting a divorce and I was forced to end my 20 Gal Saltwater Tank, my 55 Gallon Cichlid tank and my outdoor pond. It has been 6 years since I have last posted! Is anyone who helped me during this still on the forums?
  3. C

    Feeding Anemones

    I have a bubble tip anenome, and I used to feed it small parts of a silverside. I would rip off some of the meat from the frozen silverside, thaw it out, and set it on the anenome, While feeding my other fish brine shimp. It works quite well and usually they day after they eat it is normal for...
  4. C

    30 Gallon Nano Reef Diary

    I have that exact orbit lighting fixture. I have no complaints about it and I love it! Good luck!
  5. C

    Nano Diary

    Today, I cleaned out my skimmer, by aquarium, and my water rotating pump. I took out my skimmer and cleaned the entire thing. I also got a bucket and siphoned all the crap out of the bottom of the aquarium, in order to not take out too much water, I would siphon all the crap out. Let it sit then...
  6. C

    Stocking A 24g Nano

    Yes, I have recently came back after a year of being a nonfishfanatic, and my tank has really gone down hill. I have a 20 gallon long tank. I currently have a clownfish, and some coral. Fishwise some of my favorites are- -Small Gobies -Sixline wrasse is a very beautfiul fish that is perfect...
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    Nano Diary

    WOW!!! I have been gone for such a long time. I think it has been around a year...I have bad news, my tank has gone totally downhill and I haven't done a water change for such a long time, and I just top it off with tap water to make sure the filter isn't noisy. I have been a very bad aquarium...
  8. C

    African Cichlid Tank

    so how do u intice your cichlids to breed?
  9. C

    Nano Diary

    My Marine Aquarium is finally up to par...i just have to wait for the coralline algae to begin to grow, because i redid my rock structure and there are some bare spots, but i like the look of it.....also i am wondering...i have a bunch of crap stuff on the bottom, i'm not sure if its poop that...
  10. C

    African Cichlid Tank

    mama fish has a little smartass problem....i do know the fish, and which are which, and which are the same species, i am just not sure their scientifical name..duh, if u would read that you would know...anyways, i have a pair of yellow labs that seem to like eachother, but they dont really have...
  11. C

    African Cichlid Tank

    How can I help my cichlids start to breed....?
  12. C

    African Cichlid Tank

    i have had it for a year, and it barely ever chases any fish....same with the johanni
  13. C

    African Cichlid Tank

    There is only one aratus, its not that agressive
  14. C

    African Cichlid Tank

    Here are some more pictures, I tried my best, they just dont stop moving....I also have a video of 'Feeding Time' One of the Dominant Cichlids, Not sure of scientific name, but i bought it as "Ice Blue Cichlid" Tank Shot, With Red Zebra Cichlid Kenyi Male and Female, Auratus, and...
  15. C

    African Cichlid Tank

    i had a background but i didnt really like it...give me some suggestions, all the fish get along pretty well....i'll fill you in later..gtg
  16. C

    African Cichlid Tank

    Here are the Pictures you have been waiting for...
  17. C

    African Cichlid Tank

    for some reason it wont let me post pictures
  18. C

    African Cichlid Tank

    This is my 55g Cichlid Tank. I have a variety of different African Cichlids, I am not sure of most of their scientific names, so I would appreciate the help.
  19. C

    Nano Diary

    Okay, I am going to wait until my tank is fully recovered...I took out all the aragonite gravel because all of the crap gets stuck in it, I problem i think i have is that i have to much Live rock, a lot of the pieces are small, but i have about 5 big ones, so i dont get that great of flow. I...
  20. C

    Nano Diary

    Okay, I am going to wait until my tank is fully recovered...I took out all the aragonite gravel because all of the crap gets stuck in it, I problem i think i have is that i have to much Live rock, a lot of the pieces are small, but i have about 5 big ones, so i dont get that great of flow. I...
  21. C

    Nano Diary

    Wow, I've been gone for a while...I kinda stopped being obsessed with my tank for a while becuase of a girl...but now we are broken i'm happy, my tank kinda went downhill, but i'm draggin it right back up.....i also just added a pond in my backyard...please comment.
  22. C

    My 12g Nano

    Welcome! You will need a stronger light if you wish to keep a clam sucessfully. MH maybe?
  23. C

    Sf05's Slow And Steady

    Can't wait to she the pictures!
  24. C

    Nano Diary

    I just bought a finger leather coral, it was blue because it was doing bad and all its polyps were closed. Today it is pink and all the polyps are out. Everything is doing good but I still dont know wat fish to get.
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    Sf05's Slow And Steady

    Well I dont really know how you attach RO units up but if you attach it to a faucet, you can run the water for 10 mins and that will lower the amount of copper.
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    Sf05's Slow And Steady

    If you run your water for about 10mins on the highest setting, it might get the copper out of you water.
  27. C

    Nano Diary

    The purple algae is gone. The snails have sneaked into the cup at night at ate it all!! I am sad it cost $25!!! Well the button polyps have had at least 7 new polyps the last week!!! I feed them every other day. Its either brine shimp, baby brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, or rotifiers. Sometimes I...
  28. C

    Need Idea For A New Addition To My Cleaning Crew.

    I have an emerald crab and I love him. You don't get to see him much, but sometimes if you look at your aquarium at night. He might be eating algae off of your rocks or corals! They are really cool and don't bother any of my things in my aquarium. Get one! -CF
  29. C

    Sf05's Slow And Steady

    If you get some corals. I think you should get some mushroom coral. They are sooo cool and they come in many different shapes, colors, pattens, and forms. Good luck!
  30. C

    Nano Diary

    Today I changed some water and put in a thin layer of aragonite gravel. On my glass I saw a bunch of copepods...they where so cool. I've never noticed them before. My mushrooms are doing much better. The button polyps are multiplying very quickly too.
  31. C

    Need Idea For A New Addition To My Cleaning Crew.

    Yea go with the skunk cleaner shrimp. I think he will do fine if your aquarium is pretty stable. I had a peppermint shrimp that hide all the time, and then died. I wouldn't go with the blood shrimp unless you bought a couple of them.
  32. C

    Post Your Nano Reef Pix

    Clearance? Anyways, when I was moving around my rock, I stepped on my glass hood and broke it! So I was kind of mad and since then I can't keep up topping off water. I have a little DIY thing but the water evaporates faster then it goes in. _CF
  33. C

    Post Your Nano Reef Pix

    Pictures of my 20L gal. Recently Moved Rocks around so in a couple months the rocks will be more mature and natural looking. Hard to get good pics of full tank since it is soo long. LEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE
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  36. Reef_Aquarium_014.jpg


  37. C

    Sf05's Slow And Steady

    Wait to get the cleaner shrimp...They are too expensive to put in this early. Also If there are no nitrates of ammonia, wait until some algae starts to grow before you buy the cleaner crew or else they will starve. I no it is tempting to go out an buy everything. Also If you really want to buy...
  38. C

    Nano Diary

    FTS? Final Tank Setup?