African Cichlid Tank

Hmmm no need to bump mate. The reason the fish that is your fav gets picked on is cause it isnt mbuna i think its from lake victoria. Also your kenyi are aggressive lttle buggers but i think the prize for most aggressive goes to you auratus keep an eye on them you have a brave selection there but i would remove your fav he will get killed.
i have had it for a year, and it barely ever chases any fish....same with the johanni
Hmmm no need to bump mate. The reason the fish that is your fav gets picked on is cause it isnt mbuna i think its from lake victoria. Also your kenyi are aggressive lttle buggers but i think the prize for most aggressive goes to you auratus keep an eye on them you have a brave selection there but i would remove your fav he will get killed.
It is that, an astotilapia burtoni I think!!
mama fish has a little smartass problem....i do know the fish, and which are which, and which are the same species, i am just not sure their scientifical name..duh, if u would read that you would know...anyways, i have a pair of yellow labs that seem to like eachother, but they dont really have a 'den' maybe there too small....the big male kenyi always chases the female, but the female never reacts back, like when he shakes his body...
mama fish has a little smartass problem....i do know the fish, and which are which, and which are the same species, i am just not sure their scientifical name..duh, if u would read that you would know...anyways, i have a pair of yellow labs that seem to like eachother, but they dont really have a 'den' maybe there too small....the big male kenyi always chases the female, but the female never reacts back, like when he shakes his body...

:lol: :lol: so you're into cross breeding then?

:no: nice language foul mouth, kids do come here I hope you know....if you look back at my post on this topic

you'll see i've tried to be supportive.

so chill your jets.

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