Search results

  1. C

    Ps3, Nintendo Wii Or Xbox 360

    PS3, it looks to be a beast, and has some games I already want, brother in arms hells highway, and mercenaries 2, both look to be awesome.
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    Getting Started Again

    Now that I think about it, would there be a way to lessen the wpg I have without getting rid of the light? I would like just some low lit plants and keep it simple yet nice. I thought about buying a small sheet of plexiglass, cutting it to size, and tinting it, and slipping it into the slot...
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    Getting Started Again

    I started a planted aquarium 6 months ago that was a failure, but this time around I want to to it right. It wasnt from a lack of research, rather a lack of a proper co2 sysytem. This time I want to go pressurized. I plan on buying a 2.5lb co2 tank after school is over with so I have time to...
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    Whats Goign On?

    I tested my tap water because I was curoius, and it has more co2 then my tank that has co2 system, how can this be?
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    Lowering Ph

    Reason is far from fish, and why the lecture? I want to lower it so its easier to get my co2 at the 30 ppm that I need. My kh is 4, and I have a of 7, if I lower, maintain the kh through my carbo plus, then I get the desired 30 ppm. There is no way to lower just .3-.5, and keep it stable? Im...
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    Lowering Ph

    I want to lower my ph, but how can I do it without using any sort of ph lowering chemicals? Like for example using limestone to rise the ph, keeping it stable, and recieving tht ph desired. But what are the methods for lowering ph????
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    Is A 100 Watt Heater Good For A Long 20g?

    100 watts inst bad, but I have 100, and added a 50 and the temp is as hard as a rock.
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    Loaches Suitable

    I was wondering what type of loaches would do alright in my current stocking listed in my sig.
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    Tropical FF Pet Peeves

    I hate the countless threads about walmart, and other chain stores saying how bad they are, it gets old.
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    Algae Defeat

    Would those even survive with a jewel cichlid?
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    Algae Defeat

    Its getting worse, there is some better, no more green alage, its just hair algae, and this new alage foorming among the bottom on the sand. Looking at it I have done soemthing terrbily wrong. Should I keep adding nutriunts, or call this a defeat and start over? I wish I would follow up on my...
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    Whatcha Think?

    I second that, that is defintly a cabomba.
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    Algae Defeat

    I am, I keep turing the system up, I really just dont know its power, I turned it up a lot a couple hours ago, Ill test it in a couple hours and tell you the results.
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    Tank For One Con?

    I would say a tank of atleast 20 gallons for just one.
  15. C

    Who Scuba Dives?

    I am actually going to be taking a class to be certified soon with my dad. My 2 friends we are in the navy, well the young navy those under 18 years old, got my interested, infact one of them is going to be on the discovery channel diving, looking at the ship wrecks of lake huron.
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    Algae Defeat

    I am running half of its max ouput, so 3.25 wpg, using a 6700k bulb. I tested my co2 I currently have 7.6 ppm, and I raised this morning. I use flourish, flourish iron, flourish pottasium, flourish nitrogen, and flourish phopuhus once a week after a 10-15% water change. Yes I have read your...
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    What Do You Think Of My Tank?

    Nice tank IMO one of the best if not the best tank on here. Its looks like something Amano would make.
  18. C

    Algae Defeat

    I turned up my co2 to increase it to 30ppm but all that has happen is a major algae outbreak I have never seen before. I have green algae, brown hair algae, and an algae I can only describe. Most to almost all my plants are covered. Can they be saved or is it over for them? And how can I beat...
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    My 55

    No they look like new worlds to me.
  20. C

    Salt To Freshwater

    Very true which would mean less alage.
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    My Re-arranged Tank

    :huh: I hate to say it but getting a better filter probaly will help. My tank use to dirty because I had a filter recommended for 20 gallons... I upgraded and the water has been great ever since. But thats my advice take it or leave it.
  22. C

    My Re-arranged Tank

    What filter did you get?
  23. C

    Will This Work?

    Check out here, this is where I found it, then found it at my lfs.
  24. C

    Will This Work?

    Will a pair of Neolamprologus pulcher, and my single jewel cichlid work? I am getting my ph into the high 7s so water stats shouldnt really be an issue, rather an issue if the 2 can co-exist?
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    My Re-arranged Tank

    There is only emperor 250, and 400, I said atleast 250-300 gph if you decide for another filter. PLus If it was my I would keep both filters on the tank permantly. If you do take out the old filter, which is fine, just put some old filter media from it to the new filter and you should be fine.
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    Setup For A Friend

    The danios and the ram would never interact with each other, if they did the ram would set them straight. But as far as aggression goes for the ram, they would only be aggresive towards other dwarf cichlids, otherwise their peaceful.
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    My Re-arranged Tank

    Its very easy to use and its a HOB, hang on back, filter. I would suggest getting that or something larger. As for noise, I sleep right next to mine.
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    Kenyi Species Tank

    No, , my friend and I were debating on what was more agressive and could be put in a 20 gallon. I said jewel cichlids, he said convicts... Im was curoius on what would be said, if infact it wasnt ethier of our fish and another.
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    My Re-arranged Tank

    A whisper 40? I personally pefer marineland products. Why not get a emperor 250? They are IMO and many others opinions the best brand of filter to buy, if not in the top 2. I personally have a emperor 400, that 400gph on a 20 gallon. But even so get something with atleast 250 gph, maybe even 300.
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    Website That Sells Fighters

    Is that some sort of joke, or are you seroius because I have seen guys duke it out, Ive seen guys beat the crap out of each other, I have even seen the cops beat a man miserly, and I thought it was funny, and amusing. As for the betta thing goes, I dont really care...
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    For angel fish, you need something atleast 46cm tall, and around 20-30 gallons, but of course the more the better.
  32. C

    Silk Plants Or Real?

    Real plants are not much more work, and look much better. It doesnt matter how much lighting you have, you can find a plant for your situation. A major plus if heavly planted and done right (co2, etc.), no more alage.
  33. C

    Kenyi Species Tank

    I know they would work fine, and I have had rams in the past, but they didnt ever excite me. Im thinking about seting up a tang community, Im just tryin to find whats my lfs carry, and what to stock my tank with. Im just curious on the most aggresive fish my 20 long can house for life?
  34. C

    Kenyi Species Tank

    Then what would the most agressive african cichlid my tank could house?
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    My Re-arranged Tank

    Upgrade your filter......Something much more powerful. And no the tank should smell...
  36. C

    Kenyi Species Tank

    Would a 1M 2F ratio work in a 20 long?
  37. C

    Lfs Ideas...

    One of my lfs sells presoaked bigwood but its expensive, and not really worth it.
  38. C

    Fish Bubbles - Wall Hanging Fish Tank - Half Gallon

    I dont really care, if someone wants to waste their money let them, you cant stop them... as for mounting you would have to put it on a stud, to think otherwise would be foolish. espically when studs are very easy to find.
  39. C

    Pair Of Jewel Cichlids

    I was thinking maybe after a while can I add a couple jewels to my tank that are smaller and see if they pair with the larger one,or most likly would he kill them?
  40. C

    Cal's High Tech Planted 20 Long

    Ok I got the co2 up to around 16 ppm, and Im slowing increasing to the levels it need to be. But I have a problem emerging, Im starting to see alage on a coyple of my plants.. what do I do?