Is A 100 Watt Heater Good For A Long 20g?

Is the room heated or unheated? I think the rule is like 4 watts or so for every gallon of tank water in an unheated room. If the room is heated and pretty close to your desired water temperature, 100 watts would probably be fine. But with a 20 long, if you want even heat, try 2-50 watters at either end of the tank. If you wanna be safe, do 2-75 watters on either end of the tank. HTH.
Its heated but we have to keep the heat around 70F due to the high cost and it is cold sometimes in here.
Hi Durbkat :)

A 100 watt heater will be just fine for your tank. :thumbs:

If it seems chilly in the room where you plan to keep the tank, it might be a good idea to try to put it somewhere that's not near a window, if possible. That way you would avoid having it in a draft which will cause the heater to come on more often. :D
Is the room heated or unheated? I think the rule is like 4 watts or so for every gallon of tank water in an unheated room. If the room is heated and pretty close to your desired water temperature, 100 watts would probably be fine. But with a 20 long, if you want even heat, try 2-50 watters at either end of the tank. If you wanna be safe, do 2-75 watters on either end of the tank. HTH.

I don't think there's a definite number on watts/gal. I've heard anything from 3-5 w/gal for heaters. If you want even heat from just one heater you just place it right next to the filter intake. That's where I have mine and I don't have any temperature pockets in my tank. But to answer the q at hand, yes a 100w in a 20 L will be just fine. I've found that you can even get more gallons out of you heater by placing it next to the filter intake. My 75 gal ran with a 250w for a long time but I exchanged it with my 300w titanium when I changed my 60 to a SW tank. so for about a full year I ran my 75 at just over 3w/gal and the heater rarely cut in, now it's at 4w/gal and it cutts in even less but my temp is quite steady.

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