My Re-arranged Tank

K ill go for the cory's then ... but can you tell me why i should go for the cory's first and not the cardinals so i can learn for next time :D
Also i will probaly get a Whisper 40 or something but would you recomend a fluvam (dont know how to spell) or a penguin or something like that? Or should i just stick with the whisper 40 ??
I guess really its just a personal choice I like corys so thats why I recommend that but if you like the tetras more than get 4 of them and then wait a week and get the other 4 but I'd get your water tested unless you already have a test kit and see if your ammonia and nitrites are 0 and if they are and you nitrates aren't higher than 50 but 40 or less is better then you should be able to get 4 then test it a week later and if its good again then get the other 4. Well I only have 1 penguin filter and its in my 55g but I haven't used it enough to recommend it but the whisper filters are quieter than penguin. I've never used fluvals either so don't know about them.
K thx for all the help every1 (especiaially Durkbat :D )
So durkbat i think ill stick to your advise and gte a whisper 40. And now i know thats its on opinion illr ather go for cadinal tetras.
And this is my water results:
Ammonia : 0
Nitrite: 0 pmm
Nitrate: 10 pmm

I did do a water change and re-arranged the plants ... ill post a pic soon. People are over and my caemra needs to recharge, so if i cant do it today then definately tommorow.
Thx for the help again :D
A whisper 40? I personally pefer marineland products. Why not get a emperor 250? They are IMO and many others opinions the best brand of filter to buy, if not in the top 2. I personally have a emperor 400, that 400gph on a 20 gallon. But even so get something with atleast 250 gph, maybe even 300.
you could get a little plec to keep the glass clean in your tank, something like a bristlenose or golden nugget, not a common or a gibby unless you plan on moving them on when they get bigger
A whisper 40? I personally pefer marineland products. Why not get a emperor 250? They are IMO and many others opinions the best brand of filter to buy, if not in the top 2. I personally have a emperor 400, that 400gph on a 20 gallon. But even so get something with atleast 250 gph, maybe even 300.

I have never used a emperor filter. Are they easy to use like a whisper? Are they internal? How do they look like? Ill do the reasecrh on the specific questions but if possible can some1 answer these basic questions first. Im going to my lfs in about 5 hours so fast replies plase.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Six years?? :lol: :lol:

Yup. I got it when i was in 4th grade so i didint know much about it. I knew some stuff because my cousin has kept fish for over 30 years and i love his fish. So i decided why not get my own. I begged for it and finally i got it. My parents didint know much about fish so i had to read and therfore couldnt get very expensive and hard to maintina fish. I bought 2 lemon tetras and 2 black skirt tetras. I kept getting fish for many years. My first fish have outlived all my other fish along with their lifespawn. Lemon Tetras and Black Skirt Tetras are suppose to live for 5 years but mine are 6 years and im real proud of them :D
When i foudn this forum i became a fish freek :p
I learned all the other opputruinities out there. I was just a newbie for 5 years :/
Its very easy to use and its a HOB, hang on back, filter. I would suggest getting that or something larger. As for noise, I sleep right next to mine.
K ill guess ill go emeperor 250. Which 1 is better for a 30 gallon the 250 or the 300?
K thx for all the help every1 (especiaially Durkbat :D )
So durkbat i think ill stick to your advise and gte a whisper 40. And now i know thats its on opinion illr ather go for cadinal tetras.
And this is my water results:
Ammonia : 0
Nitrite: 0 pmm
Nitrate: 10 pmm

I did do a water change and re-arranged the plants ... ill post a pic soon. People are over and my caemra needs to recharge, so if i cant do it today then definately tommorow.
Thx for the help again :D
Alright remember don't get all eight at once, get 4 one week then 4 the next week. Also run both filters together for a few weeks so the new filter can get plenty of bacteria on it and once you remove the old filter monitor water stats for signs of a mini cycle.

durkbat makes me laugh

original poster - shall i get the cardinals or corys?

durkbat - get the black skirt tetras first.

Well SamUK in his sig it says "coming soon black skirt tetras, etc, etc" so thats why I said get the black skirt tetras first so he could make the school of the black tetras bigger.
There is only emperor 250, and 400, I said atleast 250-300 gph if you decide for another filter. PLus If it was my I would keep both filters on the tank permantly.
remember don't get all eight at once, get 4 one week then 4 the next week. Also run both filters together for a few weeks so the new filter can get plenty of bacteria on it and once you remove the old filter monitor water stats for signs of a mini cycle. Alright
If you do take out the old filter, which is fine, just put some old filter media from it to the new filter and you should be fine.
There is only emperor 250, and 400, I said atleast 250-300 gph if you decide for another filter. PLus If it was my I would keep both filters on the tank permantly.
remember don't get all eight at once, get 4 one week then 4 the next week. Also run both filters together for a few weeks so the new filter can get plenty of bacteria on it and once you remove the old filter monitor water stats for signs of a mini cycle. Alright
If you do take out the old filter, which is fine, just put some old filter media from it to the new filter and you should be fine.

K thx
I went to the lfs yesterday but they had no cardinals.
Then i must have went to 4 petmsarts and none of them had cardinals either. :(

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