Kenyi Species Tank

Not really, you would be better with at least a 1M 3F ratio in a 30 gal minimum.
I disagree sure its not ideal but i always found the 1 inch to 1 gallon ratio works fairly well.. The fish Max out at 5 inchs and 4 fish is 20 inchs of fish in 30 gallons.. Sounds good to me..
That rule is irrelevant when it comes to Mbuna and only a basic guideline for community fish. 3 Kenyi in a 20 gallon tank is not going to work as the the required male to female ratio is impossible for these highly aggressive fish in a tank that size. 4 in a 30 gallon is possible with a single male but i personally woudn't keep any Mbuna in anything less than a 40 gal.

Also try telling my 7 inch male Kenyi that he should have maxed out at 5 inches. :lol:
Even though a 7" Kenyi is an unusually large monster you should still think in terms of four foot tanks for these fish because they are extraordinarily aggressive, and 2 females is really not enough tod distribute this aggression either. In a 20 gallon you should really consider something other then cichlids from lake Malawi.
I would steer clear of Mbuna. A pair Of Kribs would work fine as would some of the small New World Ciclids like a pair of Rams. You could also look at shelldwellers and freddyk will i'm sure give you some good advice on those.
I would steer clear of Mbuna. A pair Of Kribs would work fine as would some of the small New World Ciclids like a pair of Rams. You could also look at shelldwellers and freddyk will i'm sure give you some good advice on those.
I know they would work fine, and I have had rams in the past, but they didnt ever excite me. Im thinking about seting up a tang community, Im just tryin to find whats my lfs carry, and what to stock my tank with. Im just curious on the most aggresive fish my 20 long can house for life?
Im just curious on the most aggresive fish my 20 long can house for life?
Kribensis can be very aggressive and will fit. Were you hoping to watch fish beat the snot out of each other or something?
No, , my friend and I were debating on what was more agressive and could be put in a 20 gallon. I said jewel cichlids, he said convicts... Im was curoius on what would be said, if infact it wasnt ethier of our fish and another.
If the question really is what fish will most aggressively affect their nest and fry then Convicts would certainly be up there, but anything they would have to show aggression towards would be quickly killed so you wouldn't see much of that aggression anyway.

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