Whatcha Think?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2005
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Woohoo... finally a half decent photo... Funny, the best photo was in a lit room with the flash... oh well. I'm pretty pleased with this for a start. What do you think?

I like this. Im assuming whats anchored to the rocks is moss? Should look great when everything fills in.
I like this. Im assuming whats anchored to the rocks is moss? Should look great when everything fills in.

What a cute tank! Is that flourite for a substrate? Needs to fill in, but it has a lot of potential.
nice ! is the hornwort (right?) there permanent ? i would suggest using a diff plant maybe ? but that wuold depend on the light shining over the tank.
Thanks guys!!

Yes, the substrate is fluorite, and I think it'll be an uphill battle to keep the brown tint off the leaves for a while. I'm quite pleased with how quickly the tank cleared up overnight though.

I've got java moss tied to rocks right now. The micro sword I bought was just too tall for a foreground plant in these little tanks, so I had to improvise. I think the broken carpet look might be really nice once it fills in.

The hornwort is definately not permanent. When choosing plants at petco, I tried to pick plants with little leaves, and while I like the hornwort, its definately not going to work long term. I've only had the stuff a week, and its already grown an inch or so!!! While it looks fine for now, I'm definately up for suggestions.

Lighting in the tank is a 10W 6700K compact fluorescent. Since its a 2.5 gallon tank, and the bulb is supposedly the equivalent of 50 fluorescent watts... I think I have plenty of light.
the light is ok i think... hmmm background plants ideal for a small nano, how about some rotalas ? rotundifolia ? or hemianthus m. ? but they might require more lighting.... but the rotala i think it will to ok there.... but im not really sure
Funny...I must be the only one at TFF who loves hornwort. It grows in almost any light, it's bushy, thick and green. The fish love it for shelter. Divides easily. Am I missing something? SH
Hi guys and gals,

Misskiwi67, I'm inspired by your tank, looks good so far. I was thinking of doing something similar myself for my dwarf rasboras (Boraras maculatus), and to practice the whole EI thing on something smaller than my main thank! What are the tank dimensions? I was going to go for a 24x8x8 tank, keep it small but the extra length will mean I can get lots of nice, powerful plant tubes in the hood, am hoping to get it up around 5WPG.

I’ve heard mixed things about fluorite, is it a sod to work with? Am guessing you'll not be disturbing it that often! I’m thinking of having a carpet of some kind, prob glossa because it looks great when it pearls, but suggestions would be welcome.

Let us know how you get on.

steelhealr - I have a hornwort, would definitely consider it in my other tanks, grows so fast!
Its a 2.5 gallon bowfront... the dimensions are: 11-3/8" x 7-3/4" x 14-1/8" high.

Because this was a small tank, the fluorite really wasn't all that bad to rinse, but I would NEVER suggest it for any tank where you have to rinse more than one bag. It took forever, and even after rinsing and rinsing and rinsing, my tank still isn't completely clear.

It was just a cheap convenient option. If I were to do a bigger tank, I'd go with ecocomplete...
That doesn't look like hornwort to me. It's cabomba I believe, I used to have it but it died off. Hornworts leaves are closer together and don't spread out as much.

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