Setup For A Friend


Fish Addict
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
New York
I wanted to know if this was an ok setup for my friend:

29 Gallon Tank:

6 Zebra Danios
5/6 Cardinals
1 Bamboo Shrimp
2 Blue Rams
2/3 Ottos
6 Bronze Cories

Will this be ok? I was a little woried about the danios picking on the Rams. So if the danios are a no no, would black skirt tetras be ok?
I doubt the danios would pick on the Rams. Maybe the other way round? The Rams are cichlids and aggresive by nature.
I doubt the danios would pick on the Rams. Maybe the other way round? The Rams are cichlids and aggresive by nature.

Well, danios can be fin nippers, and looking at the rams' fins, I would think they would go for them.
Possibly. Black widows are a cool alternative though. Id go for them instead just because they look good!
^^yea maybe. Oh and will cories and rams be ok? I heard they may not get along.
The danios and the ram would never interact with each other, if they did the ram would set them straight. But as far as aggression goes for the ram, they would only be aggresive towards other dwarf cichlids, otherwise their peaceful.
They aren't supposed to be aggressive unless you get a breeding pair right? If they start breeding they get a little more aggressive to anything that comes into there territory. rams btw
^^yea maybe. Oh and will cories and rams be ok? I heard they may not get along.

Hi love_fish :)

I don't keep cichlids, so I can't speak from experience about them, but I've always heard that corys don't do well with them.

Corys are very peaceful fish, and are totally defenseless. If they are kept with aggressive fish, or fish they perceive as aggressive, they will not thrive. Even if the cichlids don't actually harm them, it's possible that they will go into a slow decline because of the stress of being with them. This could end in illness and eventually an early death.

I would highly recommend corys for anyone's peaceful community tank, but not for one where their well being is in doubt.
The problem with rams is that they spawn at the bottom of the tank, and like most cichlids they are extremely protective of their offspring, and any territory surrounding said offspring. So the poor cories bumbling around the bottom of the tank like cories do might find themselves in for a nasty surprise. And in that kind of situation, like Inchworm says, they'd have nothing to set up against it, being the loveable non-aggressive creatures they are.
Hmm, well I heard that Bolivian Rams are more peaceful than Blue Rams, and I have seen setups where they're together with no problems. Is it true that Bolivian Rams would be more peaceful thna Blue Rams?
OK, my friends has settled to give up the rams. So we thought of this setup:

6 Zebra Danios
6 Harleguin Rasboras
1 Dwarf Gourami
6 Cardinals
6 Cories
2/3 Otos
1 Bamboo Shrimp

I'm not completely sure if thats overstocking, because the fish there dont really go over 2 inches (except gourami and cories). Do you guys think it is? If it is, will getting rid of the Cardinals do it?

Once again, its a 29 gallon.
yes you're overstocked.

I'm going by your lengths here. 12X2=24 +3 = 27 + 6 = 33

So with just the rasboras danios gourami and tetra's your over 29. You can stretch this rule with over filtration but I don't think you can stretch it as far as you have without some serious filters. I did the same thing when I started out except SOOOOOO much worse.
yes you're overstocked.

I'm going by your lengths here. 12X2=24 +3 = 27 + 6 = 33

So with just the rasboras danios gourami and tetra's your over 29. You can stretch this rule with over filtration but I don't think you can stretch it as far as you have without some serious filters. I did the same thing when I started out except SOOOOOO much worse.

He'll have an overfiltration of minimal 10 gallons because he has an aqua clear 70 which filters 40-70 gallons., and will do great maintence with his tank thats for sure. And really I dont see any of those fish making a mess like livebearers do. Maybe he could get rid of the cardinals to make it right? Would that make it good?

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