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  1. P


    can anyone help with this? please
  2. P


    thank you much :)
  3. P


    In my snail tank i have set up for my puffers which is a 2 gallon tank, heavly planted for my snails to bread to produce yum yums for my puffers is infested with white worms, how do i get rid of them, are they harm full to my snails, can i still put them in with my puffers? thanks in advance
  4. P

    A few pics of my Dwarf Puffers

    wowie those are some good pictures, i took some pics of my dwarfs, but i dunno if i am gonna post em they aren't great pics.. gina i love your fish!
  5. P


    aww :(
  6. P


    the neons are loosing color and turning really fading in some spotds more then others... i dunno what it is really....
  7. P

    my little accident

    ya i really am
  8. P


    should i put all the questionable fish in a diferent tank and just medicate them or can the whole tank be medicated
  9. P


    like i sprincked salt on the fish.. so does the ick buldge out?
  10. P

    Diaster Strikes!!

    make sure they replace it for free, i just took mine back that broke today and they gave me a tank and new gravel for free~
  11. P

    i am a great grandma!

    I am a greatgrandma, one of my frys i raised from after one of my first guppys had babies has finally had babies, they are so cute and extra special, there are 25 of em and she looks liek she is just about done!
  12. P


    What does ick look like i think my neons might have it, but i haven't had any experience with it.. my neons are loosing there color in the tail, 1/2 of them are and they have spots that the color is actually gone from or so it seems.. then my plattie has white spots of all over her, but she has...
  13. P

    a question

    So i am just making sure that you all would suggest not having a 10 gallon salt water tank but rather leave that to fresh water... what about brackish?
  14. P

    my little accident

    Yeasterday my dwarf puffer tank broke and spilled water EVERYWHERE.. and luckly enough my puter is right under my tank and almost ruined my tank, luckly i was cycling another tank for more fish so i was about to put them in there so now all 6 little puffers seem to be doing just fine and now i...
  15. P

    A question about miscarriages

    hmm they all look ok... i dunno what it could be.. no sign of anymore blood just that bit..
  16. P

    A question about miscarriages

    i don't really know her tummy is really almost black except for a little area and that is still red, so it looks like she is still pregnate, and she is a narually big fish, she was big when she had her first batch and didn't look that diferent when she wasn't preg.. so i dunno i am so confused
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    A question about miscarriages

  18. P

    I need to rant

    That is so sad... i will have to ask my pet smart what they do
  19. P

    A question about miscarriages

    When i guppy has a misscarriage, what does it look like.. i think one of mine had a misscarriage and i am not quite sure... i found this blood like substance in the bottom of my breader net i am a little worried about it.. :-(
  20. P

    guppy babies

    i ended up getting 6 of the babies.. and the types of frogs are african dwarf frogs.. then this morning one of the mamas had jumped out of the birthing tank over to the side of the tank the fry have.. and when i woke up she was just hanging out in there... :-(
  21. P

    guppy babies

    i found 3 more.. about to go look again now!
  22. P

    guppy babies

    I just looked in my tank to find 4 babies chillin what i thought was inside my breading net, but guess what? they were definately out side it and there mommy was no in the net.. so i had to go and find all the babies i could i think i found 3 1 of which the frogs have 1/2 eatten... and scoop...
  23. P

    Changing gravel to sand...

    yes thank you very much
  24. P

    dwarf puffers- help!

    and snails.. they need snails too
  25. P


    i am sorry also i didn't mean to be mean i wasn't in my right mind
  26. P

    Cute Picture

    lol how cute
  27. P

    Dwarf Puffers

    one of my puffers is the same way and i meddicated him yet he still won't eat
  28. P


    i was thinking the same thing fish&chips
  29. P

    got beat up

    i'm sorry about your loss
  30. P

    dwarf puffer

    dwarf puffers are quite agressive and need lots of hidding space in order to live in anytank with other fish even thre own kind.. they are fin nippers and could nip a fish to death.. they eat frozen food, and also they NEED snails and they will also eat some live foods.. most of the time they...
  31. P

    Argggg Stupid Siphon...

    not yet though i am always afriad it will..
  32. P

    I found something

    the frys seem fine and most of the worm liek things are gone...m i am using a bio wheel filter that doesn't turn down so i dunno i just turn it off while they are eatting adn they seem to be doing ok.. all of the fry are still alive
  33. P

    I found something

    i turned my filter off so i could feed the fry vause they don't like comming to the top when the filter is going so i turned it off for what i expected to be like a hr but i fell asleep and it was left off till morning... they didn't seem to be moving at all
  34. P

    I found something

    this morning i work up and found little white lines about _ this long on my tank glass in the front, i am not sure as to what they are, they are white and very small.. they are in my guppys tank.. i don't want this to harm them.. anyonw know what it could be.. also my filter wasn't running all...
  35. P

    My puffer fish

    oh ok thanks i guess i was just a lil too over concerned.. thank you for all your help.. your a life saver
  36. P

    A guppy

    hmmm intresting
  37. P

    My puffer fish

    Do puffers sleep or are mine getting ready do die? i woke up to find then all just kinda chillin in the tank resting on the plants and such.. but they were breathing really shallowey.. i did water test and everything came out fine.. i am wondering if they were sleeping.. all the lights were off...
  38. P

    A guppy

    thank you all very much
  39. P

    A guppy
