I found something


Fish Fanatic
Aug 12, 2003
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this morning i work up and found little white lines about _ this long on my tank glass in the front, i am not sure as to what they are, they are white and very small.. they are in my guppys tank.. i don't want this to harm them.. anyonw know what it could be.. also my filter wasn't running all last night so i was wondering if it could just be some odd kind of alge build up
Hi! Why isn't ur filter running last night? Within a few hours the beneficial bacteria could hav died... -_-

But anyway I dun think it has anything to do with the worm u found. From what u described, n if the worms r really like a line (on the thickness n length) it could b some kind of planaria. R they moving? Most of them r not parasitic. I had them in my snail tank during the last few months but seemed that they r all gone now (I dunno y tho). I don think they'll harm ur guppies.
i turned my filter off so i could feed the fry vause they don't like comming to the top when the filter is going so i turned it off for what i expected to be like a hr but i fell asleep and it was left off till morning... they didn't seem to be moving at all
Ooo... how'r ur frys now? R they still ok? Wot filter u r using for them? Yeah frys don't like strong currents, r there any ways to make the filter go slower?

I'm using Penn Plax small world filter n I use a clip to control the air flow entering into the filter. So now the current's more gentle.

Hope everything's ok!
the frys seem fine and most of the worm liek things are gone...m i am using a bio wheel filter that doesn't turn down so i dunno i just turn it off while they are eatting adn they seem to be doing ok.. all of the fry are still alive
if its a liquid fry food you are feeding then its definetley planaria i always have it if i feed my fry a liquid food its totally harmless

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