Argggg Stupid Siphon...


New Member
Aug 4, 2003
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Bay Area, California, US
I was doing a water change today using a gravel siphon. My neons (10) were hovering around the siphon (they aren't afraid of my hands anymore.) One of them, being overly curious, swims into the siphon :crazy: He gets sucked down into my bucket, still alive. I managed to catch him and put him back in the tank. B) Has anyone had anything like this happen to them before?
Oh yes, Xenity7, it's happened to me with very unfortunate results. I hate to think about it, but since you've asked......... :/

One day I was cleaning my frog tank, and even though I was being very careful, a very small albino African Clawed Frog got caught in the syphon. I immediately stopped the syphon and released the little guy but it was too late. The suction caused him to have a twisted spine and after that he looked like a hunchback. :eek:

Well, he looked very bad and I expected to lose him right away but he got along ok despite his deformity. When he died it was from a reason having nothing to do with this accident.

You have no idea how bad I felt about this. To this day I'm a wreck every time I go into that tank with a syphon!
My other half had a female betta that would always come to investigate the syphon and got sucked up a couple of times, no harm done just popped her back in the tank.
My fish attack the syphon and try to eat it :lol:

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