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    Angel Eggs

    Hello, I'd like some advice from fish keepers experienced with keeping angels. I've got three angel fish in my community tank. I've come home from work to find a pair of them have laid eggs on a leaf of my amazon sword plant. I wondered what is the best way of hatching them. Trouble is, I've...
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    My Poor Tetras

    Thanks Wilder, this sounds like what's wrong with my tetras. I'll get a treatment for parasites from my LFS. Fingers crossed :thumbs:
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    My Poor Tetras

    Don't worry about the questions! I'm glad of the help :) If these are parasites, they are circular and pure white. They don't appear to be latched onto the fish into the traditioal sense but seem to be bursting through the scales. When I try to catch the fish, they retract (so they are...
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    My Poor Tetras

    Not that I've noticed - and they are always the first at feeding time. I tried a blanket remedy called eSHa 2000 which is supposed to treat bacterial infections and some parasites but it made no difference. There isn't any redness and I can't see any legs. I'll try getting a pic on the site for...
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    My Poor Tetras

    Hi Wilder No fish or plants added for about 2 months. I added 6 cardinal tetras then from my local LFS. I can't see any tail on these things and it doesn't look like nylon. Best I can describe is that it looks like tiny white stubs protruding just past the scales but not very far. They aren't...
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    My Poor Tetras

    Hello, I've got a problem with my red eye tetras. I've got a large mature 90 gallon tank (18 months old now) readings are below: Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0 My red eye tetras are the oldest of my fish at about 12 months old and they have developed what I think it a form of parasite like...
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    Shoaling Companion For My Betta

    Hello, I've got a male betta and a bristlnose catfish swimming around in my 30 litre tank. It has been cycling well now for 4 months and is planted with bogwood and rocks. I'd like to add a group of six small shoaling fish to add colour and I'm thinking about a some type of tetra - possibly...
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    What's Killing My Cories?

    I'm having a problem with my cory Jullis. I bought 12 of them about 3 months ago but one by one they keep 'disappearing' from the tank - that's to say that I can't find any bodies. They just vanish! I presume they are dying and are being munched by my snowball plec but haven't seen any signs of...
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    One Good Tank, One Bad Tank

    Thanks for this. I asked my LFS if I'd have any problems and they said that as long as I got more than one female, I'd be fine. Grrr! Evil LFS! I'll move them to my other tank once I settle the cycle down. Thanks for the tip about the Ammonia remover - another helpful LFS tip! I'll stop using...
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    One Good Tank, One Bad Tank

    I need some guidance on a water quality problem i've got. We've had a small 40 litre tank running for 3 months. After the first month, we added six red eye tetras to help the cycling and all was well. Then we had problems with an ancistrus fighting one of our plecs in our large 90 gallon tank so...
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    Help! What's wrong with my plec

    Hiya, yep good point about not using tap water. I just clean out the pipes with a brush thing and rinse the pads in aquariam water. He was quite high up the tank yesterday. But cleaning the filter doesn't seem to have made much of a difference to his behaviour. Still seems very sluggish and...
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    Help! What's wrong with my plec

    Right, I'm going to go back to basics and clean my filter. Perhaps it is a problem with aeration. He is the biggest fish in the tank so it is logical to assume low oxygen would affect him first...
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    Help! What's wrong with my plec

    Pretty normal. Small poos but not many of them. It's tricky to tell as he is a nocturnal fish. We have three large pieces of bogwood but they aren't really hidey-holes for a fish his size.
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    Help! What's wrong with my plec

    No, I'm afraid I don't know. But as the shop is just down the road, their water is probably quite similar to mine. I've managed to coax the plex out from behind the bog wood and he is actually clinging to the back wall of the tank now looking quite normal now. I'm still worried. Is it possible...
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    Help! What's wrong with my plec

    I don't think so. He is a big fish (about 5 inches) so his belly is pretty large anyway. But it doesn't seem swollen or in any way different to when we bought him from our LFS. :dunno: I don't know anything about heavy breathing marks. How do I tell?
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    Help! What's wrong with my plec

    I came home today to find my new butterfly plec not looking all that great. It has wedged itself behind a piece of bog wood and is lying partly on its back and side. His mouth is still moving in the normal way and his belly is the same colour as always (white). We bought him on Friday last week...
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    platy problem

    Hiya, any improvement since this afternoon? How was your ammonia test? I still think that as long as your platy girl is eating, she's probably not ill. I know you said you had no male platies but is it possible she could be pregnant? Sometimes that can make females take refuge somewhere safe...
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    Butterfly Plec

    Thanks guys, I bought the butterfly plec today and he is spectacular! My bristle-nose is a bit cross :grr: about his new tankmate but hopefully he will settle down. There are plenty of places to hide if the going gets too tough in the meantime. I'll keep an eye on them in case they need...
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    Butterfly Plec

    Thanks! That was the response I was hoping for! xx :cool:
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    Dwarf Gouramis and Pearl Gouramis

    Silvia, I got a new female Pearl today and my other girl is really happy. She isn't hiding and is busy showing the newcomer around every nook and cranny. The male thinks all his Christmas and birthdays have come early. He doesn't know which one he likes the best but has decided to go as orange...
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    platy problem

    I've never kept guppies but it is possible that your stressed platy problem is due to your male to female ratio. You should really have at least two females to each male. Otherwise the girls can literally be mated to death. Your guppy girls are at risk of this. Your platy girl has probably...
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    platy problem

    Hmm, any males in the guppy shoal. It sounds like your platy might be a bit stressed after the new arrivals. Is she eating?
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    platy problem

    How many other platys are in with her? What sex are they? xx
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    Butterfly Plec

    I've just seen a gorgeous fully grown butterfly plec in my LFS. I'd really like him and I have room in my tank (90 gallons). The only trouble is that I already have a bristle-nose in there. Has anyone ever had problems with butterfly plecs being territorial? The butterfly plec is about an inch...
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    just had to show you this

    My LFS has a ten foot tank with a stingray female and 3 babies in it. She is so gorgeous (sadly not for sale). When I am a millionnaire... xx
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    Sorry angelmax, I lost one of my platies to dropsy on Monday :( All other fish seem OK in my tank though so hopefully yours will be too (if it was dropsy) xx
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    Dwarf Gouramis and Pearl Gouramis

    Hi Silvia, Maths was never my strong point but I think you're right about the gallon conversion. It comes out about 90 gallons in my sum. Thanks for your advice. Interesting what you say about keeping two females Dwarfs to each male. I have noticed that my female Pearl hides quite a bit in the...
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    A Good Algae Eater

    Hi, I bought my bristle-nose 3 months ago and he cost me £8. I think he was a bargain though and he really loves his algae! Welcome to the site. xx
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    Stocking a 26gal

    I'd add your bristle-nose in the 2nd week too, just to be on the safe side. I have one too and he is the coolest dude in the tank! B) xx
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    Dwarf Gouramis and Pearl Gouramis

    Thanks pebbles, that's good advice. xx
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    Stocking a 26gal

    Regarding tetras, I'd recommend Cardinals as they are great schoolers, a fantastic colour and they are not too big. You will have to be disciplined with your water checks though, as they aren't as tolerant as other fish. If you go for these, add them later or last. If you want tetras...
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    What the hell happened?

    Sorry to hear your problems. Most fish-keepers have casualties and I lost a platy in my first week of the hobby. Water changes are the key. There's not much you can do if the fish was a bit weak before your brought her from your LFS. Possibly the stress of being caught, moved and being in a new...
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    Dwarf Gouramis and Pearl Gouramis

    I have a male and female Pearl Gourami and I would like a male and female Dwarf Gourami. I have a large 350 litre community tank. My Gouramis' tank mates are 9 red eye, 6 cardinal and 6 diamond tetras, 6 platies and one bristle nosed catfish. They all get along fine. My tank is 6 months old and...
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    Air Stones

    I don't use ornaments in my tank because of my Pearl Gouramis. They don't like too much 'splash' as they seem to find it difficult to breathe. But if you don't have labyrinths, it should be fine. Interesting what Weaver says about his playful Honey Gouramis though. Maybe mine are just whinging! xx
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    Dwarf Gouramis and Pearl Gouramis

    Hiya, I have a pair of Pearl Gouramis who rock. They have really given me the gourami bug. I'd like to get a pair of dwarf gouramis to share their community tank (fin nippers banned of course!). Will they be friends or will they fight? xx
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    Mid-level schooling type fish

    Hiya, I must admit I'm a tetra girl. I have cardinals and diamond tetras who shoal in a pretty way. The diamonds are ALWAYS hungry! My red eye tetras used to shoal but they are feeling brave now so don't stick together so much - which is a shame really. I think they have bags of character. xx
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    Bottom Dwellers / Algae Eaters

    Hiya, I have a bristle-nosed catfish and he is fab! All he does is munch algae all day long - yum yum yum. They don't get very big either. I'd recommend one of those. I have a community tank made up of gouramis, tetras and platys. I have never had any trouble between him and the other fish. xx
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    Platy with suspected Dropsy

    Thanks DG and Wilder! I came home today and she had got much worse. I have never seen a fish with scales so spikey. So I decided it was better for 'Spike' if I euthanised her. Thanks for your help and advice. xx :byebye:
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    Platy with suspected Dropsy

    Hi everyone, sadly my first post on this site is a troubled one. I have a female sunset platy with a suspected case of dropsy. She is bloated and all her scales are sticking out. She is still strong and put up a real fight when I caught her and is now in a sectioned off part of my community...