A Good Algae Eater


New Member
Sep 20, 2005
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Hi all,

I'm new to this forum, started today :*) :look:

I have had a very large tropical tank in the past with some lovely fish but we got rid of it (Well parents did, when moved home)

Now I have been earning a few quid since started work I have bought another tank :wub: , my brother bought a few Danio's and Angel Fish, I am currently looking at others, better more expensive fish, i have a basic tank atm, just with a few plastic plants (buying real plants the weekend) and a little rockery.

I was wondering what the best Algae eaters are (Not ones that you never see like my previous).

What would you recommend? Also what would you recommend for my fish? i am a bit clued up with tropical fish but would like to see someone else’s point of view. :D :nod:

How big is the tank?

You know you'd be much better off asking this in Tropical Chit Chat right?
@ombomb said:
How big is the tank?

You know you'd be much better off asking this in Tropical Chit Chat right?

Hi mate, yes sorry as i posted it i realised that myself, maybe it could be moved? :dunno:

i have a small 30"x12"x16" Tank :(
Well you're fairly limited in a tank that size, so I'd suggest going for 3/4 Otos.

Make sure your tank is stable first though, they aren't the hardiest of fish.

PM a mod, or post again in the catfish section.
@ombomb said:
Well you're fairly limited in a tank that size, so I'd suggest going for 3/4 Otos.

Make sure your tank is stable first though, they aren't the hardiest of fish.

PM a mod, or post again in the catfish section.

What sized tank are you using then mate?
The best algae eater of them all in my opinion is the siamese flying fox.Don't get this one mixed up with the flying fox which looks very similiar.
I say this because it eats algae all it's life unlike most other so called algae eaters,eats all types including hair algae and that tufty grey stuff.Also it is a very peaceful fish but can get picked on by aggressive fish.
Don't get this one mixed up with the flying fox which looks very similiar.

Also known as Siamese Algae Eaters and worse than getting them confused with a Flying Fox would be confusing them with the Chinese Algae Eater, which soon stops eating algae and then gets hyper aggressive.

Mine is just under 50 USG and in terms of algae eating fish I have a Bristlenose, a Gold Nugget Plec and two Siamese Flying Foxes.
I paid:

BN - £5 (I think, but that was about 5 years ago)

Gold Nugget - £23 (defo too big for your tank though)

SAE - £3.50
@ombomb said:
I paid:

BN - £5 (I think, but that was about 5 years ago)

Gold Nugget - £23 (defo too big for your tank though)

SAE - £3.50

ok thanks very much :thumbs: :) :D
Hi, I bought my bristle-nose 3 months ago and he cost me £8. I think he was a bargain though and he really loves his algae! Welcome to the site.

Well, I bought my BN for 4$ US at my LFS....I love them ecept I never see them because they hid from me a lot...

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