My Poor Tetras


New Member
Sep 11, 2005
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Hertfordshire, England
Hello, I've got a problem with my red eye tetras. I've got a large mature 90 gallon tank (18 months old now) readings are below:

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0

My red eye tetras are the oldest of my fish at about 12 months old and they have developed what I think it a form of parasite like flukes. Parts of their bodies have raised scales giving them the appearance of dropsy and occasionally I can see white objects poking through the scales (though not through the gills). They are gone in a few hours but return later in different places but the scales still look scuffed. I have lost 3 of my 11-strong shoal in the past week so assuming this is killing them. I have a community tank with gouramis, platies, plecs and other forms of tetras living with the red eye tetras but only my red eyes seem to be affected. Does this sound like parasites to anyone? I wonder if my red eyes are a bit old and therefore more susceptable to infestation. Should I try a salt bath? If so, can anyone recommend a good solution.

Have you added any new fish or plants lately, the white things poking through do they look like nylon with a forked tail.
Hi Wilder

No fish or plants added for about 2 months. I added 6 cardinal tetras then from my local LFS. I can't see any tail on these things and it doesn't look like nylon. Best I can describe is that it looks like tiny white stubs protruding just past the scales but not very far. They aren't trailing. The fish seem worst affected on the tail join and on the face.

re they flicking and rubbing on objects.

Can you get a pic so we can take a look.

Is there any redness around them, can you see any legs.

Take a look here.

Do they look vase shaped.
Not that I've noticed - and they are always the first at feeding time. I tried a blanket remedy called eSHa 2000 which is supposed to treat bacterial infections and some parasites but it made no difference.

There isn't any redness and I can't see any legs. I'll try getting a pic on the site for you to have a look - might take me a little while though.

Don't worry about the questions! I'm glad of the help :) If these are parasites, they are circular and pure white. They don't appear to be latched onto the fish into the traditioal sense but seem to be bursting through the scales. When I try to catch the fish, they retract (so they are obviously coming from the inside) but they come back almost immediately. I have never seen them detach.

Best of luck.

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