Butterfly Plec


New Member
Sep 11, 2005
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Hertfordshire, England
I've just seen a gorgeous fully grown butterfly plec in my LFS. I'd really like him and I have room in my tank (90 gallons). The only trouble is that I already have a bristle-nose in there. Has anyone ever had problems with butterfly plecs being territorial? The butterfly plec is about an inch longer than my beloved bristle-nose and I would hate anything to happen to him. What should I do? :dunno:
in a 90 gallon - 2 plecs will be absolutly fine :)

we have 11 in our 100 at the moment without a problem

just give them places to hide;)
Thanks guys, I bought the butterfly plec today and he is spectacular! My bristle-nose is a bit cross :grr: about his new tankmate but hopefully he will settle down. There are plenty of places to hide if the going gets too tough in the meantime. I'll keep an eye on them in case they need separating but hope that a bit of posturing is normal in these situations. Thanks for your help.


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