Bottom Dwellers / Algae Eaters


Fish Fanatic
Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
Kent, England
I have a fairly new 59 litre (hex) tank with just 3 Balloon Mollies at the moment.

I saw my LFS had some nice looking Peppered Corries in at the weekend. I was thinking about maybe getting 4 of these to populate the bottom of my tallish tank.

Would they be happy as a quartet or should I really get five?

I know they are bottom feeders, but do they eat algae as well?

If not, what would you recommend as a community algae eater (59 litre) remember?

Corys are good scavengers. I have peppered corys in my 29 gallon tank. You should be fine with 4. As long as you have at least 3. They will eat leftover food on the bottom but won't eat algae. As for the algae eaters, it really depends on the type algae you have. Different fish eat different types. Otos are good algae eaters for smaller tanks since they only get to about an inch and a half long but as I said, there are types of algae that they won't eat. I haven't had much luck with keeping them alive though. Just stay away from the chinese algae eaters or golden algae eaters that most LFS and LPS sell. They become aggressive as they get older and also get very big, up to a foot long.
Peppered corys can grow to 3 inches, so 4 of those with 3 mollies in a 12 gallon tank, you're pushing it a bit.

Otos are smaller and eat algae, but you need to be really careful with water stats, and ideally wait for your tank to be mature, as they are very sensitive.

If you don't overfeed them, your mollies might do their bit of algae-eating too; my livebearers are quite good at that.

And the best algae-cleaner is probably yourself, with an algae scraper in one hand and a gravel vac in the other.

If there is any chance that your mollies may breed (i.e. if at least one of them is female) and you do not have several large grow-out tanks, I would hold off getting any more fish for now. I understocked my livebearer tank from the start and am now thankful for this as it does at least give me a few months planning space before I have to buy another tank/set up in the fishselling business.

edit: Ha ha, I've just seen your post below. Well, I think you have your answer. That tank is filling up of its own accord, and MTS is only a matter of time.
I would love a Cory! Apparently some breeds are really social and they are very hardy. Unfortunately for me to have some would be pushing it alot!!! I already have a sailfin plecostomous and she is 8 inches long. I love her lots but she doesn't make much of an appearance being nocturnal. :cool:
It just dawned on me that you have mollies in that tank. Mollys prefer brackish water with a little salt so I would be leary of putting any scaleless fish such as corys or otos in the tank. Maybe your best bet for algae eaters would be a siamese algae eater or even amano shrimp.
Hiya, I have a bristle-nosed catfish and he is fab! All he does is munch algae all day long - yum yum yum. They don't get very big either. I'd recommend one of those. I have a community tank made up of gouramis, tetras and platys. I have never had any trouble between him and the other fish.

Ani said:
Hiya, I have a bristle-nosed catfish and he is fab! All he does is munch algae all day long - yum yum yum. They don't get very big either. I'd recommend one of those. I have a community tank made up of gouramis, tetras and platys. I have never had any trouble between him and the other fish.


Hey thanks for the suggestion, just checked out the bristol-nose and it is a good looking fish. Shame they are probably a little large for my 59 litre tank and my water will also be a little on the hard side for them as well. Thanks for the suggestion anyway. :)

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