Platy with suspected Dropsy


New Member
Sep 11, 2005
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Hertfordshire, England
Hi everyone, sadly my first post on this site is a troubled one. I have a female sunset platy with a suspected case of dropsy. She is bloated and all her scales are sticking out. She is still strong and put up a real fight when I caught her and is now in a sectioned off part of my community tank. I don't think she is eating though. Has anyone ever had a fish who has survived dropsy? Is there anything I can do or am I postponing the inevitable? I've done a nitrate and nitrite water test in my community tank and the levels are fine so I don't think it has been brought on by that. Will my other fish be OK? Advice much appreciated xxx :/
Hi and welcome!
Sadly, there may not be a lot you can do for your platy, if she does have dropsy. (speaking with caution here as my own latest case of suspected dropsy turned out to be advanced pregnancy).
You could try keeping her in a salt solution if you have a spare tank, my book suggests slowly adding 1/2 tablespooon/4.8 ltrs water over a period of time, others may suggest other mixes. Keep an eye on her in case she keels over.
Sorry if the scales are sticking out that's the last stage of dropsy, there is nothing to be done, can you issolate her.
Thanks DG and Wilder! I came home today and she had got much worse. I have never seen a fish with scales so spikey. So I decided it was better for 'Spike' if I euthanised her. Thanks for your help and advice.

xx :byebye:
Sorry R.I.P.

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