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  1. C

    One Lone Hatchetfish

    Hi, I haven't been on here in awhile but I was wondering what people's thoughts are on this. Initially I had 5 Marbled Hatchetfish, but their numbers dwindled and now I am left with just one. I really have no interest in getting any more Hatchetfish - one jumped out of the tank while I was...
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    Marble Hatchetfish Tankmates

    Hi, I just recently got 5 marble hatchets for my 10 gallon tank. I originally got the tank to be a species tank for ADFs but I've always liked the look of hatchetfish, and so I decided to give them a try. They are great - very active (especially at feeding time) and they remind me of little...
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    What Has Tempted You At The Lfs Lately?

    Clown loaches. I just keep telling myself "You don't have the room, you don't have the room." There was a pair of seahorses at the pet store where I buy dog food a month or so ago... pretty much out of the question because I've never had a saltwater tank before.
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    Rubbermaid Totes..

    I was thinking, is there anything wrong with using Rubbermaid Totes for breeding/spawning tanks. Aside for not being aesthetically appealing, would it have any negatives affects on the fish? The reason I ask is because I can get new Rubbermaid totes from the dollar store super cheap, and it...
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    Frog Update

    Lol, he looks like an aquatic albino hamster with a mohawk. Verry interesting - I've never even heard of those before.
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    Tank Make Over

    Don't feel bad about throwing away gravel. I threw away the gravel from my 29g.. well actually my dad dug a hole and buried it because it was pretty heavy.
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    What Inspired You Too.....

    I got a Betta from my cousin a little over 3 years ago. I thought he'd be happier in something bigger than a vase, so I got a 29 gallon tank for him and some cory catfish and Colombian tetras (which I unfortunately didn't know were fin nippers at the time.. 3 years later and I'm still stuck not...
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    Can You Indentify This Guy?

    That looks just like him. Thanks for your help!
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    Can You Indentify This Guy?

    I got him at least a year ago, and I can't for the life of me remember what type he is. He has stopped growing at about 3" to 3.5" Unfortunately this is the best picture I could get of him. He had to be bribed with an algae wafer to get this shot. :fun: Any ideas? I've looked on the catfish...
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    Help! Adfs Not Eating And Subsequently Dying

    Try Tubifex worms. My frog used to be a very picky eater and had to be coaxed into eating. On a whim I picked up some Tubifex worms (freeze dried and cubed) and I've never seen an ADF wolf down food like that! If possible, try to get some live bloodworms (assuming you've been trying freeze dried...
  11. C

    Did Some Redecorating

    Before (I forgot to to a picture of the whole tank beforehand so this will have to do) After (sorry about the glare from the flash) I used Flourite and sand for substrate, and plantwise I've got Wisteria, Pennywort, and Java Moss tied to rocks. Plus a piece of driftwood, rock, and terra-cotta...
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    Wats The Center Piece In Ur Tank

    Probably my Gourami. No offense to the Colombian tetras, but he is the prettiest fish. :P
  13. C

    Tablet Food For Bottom Feeders

    I feed algae wafers every other day. At the moment I only have 2 cories and 1 pleco (I want some more panda cories..) so I break the wafers in half. I feed them right before bed because they tend to be most likely to eat at night. If you find any food remaining the next morning then just take...
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    Sea Horses

    I don't have any advice on them as I don't have a saltwater tank but I saw some at the LFS today.. I've never seen them up close before and they are amazing little creatures. Nearly $40.00 (20 some GBP) though. I would like to get some someday if I ever decide to get a saltwater tank.
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    More Goldfish!

    Aww, that first picture made me laugh out loud. :P
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    Tetras & Guppys

    I imagine with neon tetras you would be fine. I would stay clear of any larger tetras, however. I tried keeping guppies once and the Columbian tetras just terrorized them with fin nipping.
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    Cute But...

    I have a tank that size, and you can keep a pair of African dwarf frogs and maybe several small snails in it. That's what I would do anyway.
  18. C

    How Many Young People Are There Who Have Interest Of Tropical Fish

    Well, I started out with a Betta from from cousin when I was 14, which then inspired me to get my current 29 gallon aquarium. For a couple weeks he had the whole tank to himself, but then I got some Columbian tetras (which looking back, I am surprised that worked out as now that they are bigger...
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    Petco, Petclub, Petsmart

    In my experience it depends on the individual stores. Some PetSmart's/PetCo's have poor conditions, but I went to one today and the guy there was very knowledgeable (about plants anyway; I wasn't buying fish). I went into the local pet store a couple of days ago and the one woman didn't even...
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    Me New Tank

    I love the clown loaches. Do they like to chase each other around the tank? There was a tank of them at my LFS a while ago and they were the most entertaining fish to watch.
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    Dwarf Gourami

    Thanks. The black thing is a grid feeding clip:;N=2004+112972
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    Swapped Out The Gravel And Background, Planting Next Week....

    Very nice- not too busy and I like the different stone/pebble sizes.
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    My New 6ft Tank Has Arrived !

    Lucky! I'm not sure if there would even be enough room in my house for a tank that size..
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    Dwarf Gourami

    This is one of the Dwarf Gourami that I got about a month ago. :wub: (yes, my gravel was in need of cleaning when I took the pic) He's pretty bright - whenever I pass by the aquarium he swims right up front and goes to the top waiting for a handout. He's one of the few fish that actually seems...
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    Information On Vivariums

    Does anybody have links to good beginner's sites for vivariums? I'd like to get an idea of what kinds of creatures can live in a vivariums, which species are compatible with one another, their space requirements, that sort of thing. And if anyone has personal experience, or photos that'd be...
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    Critters For This Cage?

    Maybe a tarantula? I personally not a fan of spiders, nor do I know anything about their space requirements, it's just a thought.
  27. C

    Stupid Question Regarding Sand

    I've always used gravel as a substrate but I'm thinking of getting sand for African Dwarf frogs. Now, I use a syphon to clean my gravel, but I imagine that would only suck up all the sand. How do you clean sand substrate? Or don't you clean it at all?
  28. C

    Is My Neon Tetra Ill?

    It is a dark blue-reddish. It just recently appeared, and hasn't seemed to get any bigger since I noticed it. They've started eating again and seem more comfortable in the tank. Maybe it's nothing, but I didn't want to risk the whole tank getting sick in case something was really wrong. Again-...
  29. C

    Is My Neon Tetra Ill?

    Several days ago I noticed that my one neon tetra had a blemish on it's blue line. It occurs right after the red line ends, and just seems darker than the rest of the color. Forgive the extreme blurriness, but you can see the general shape - the fish in question is the one on the bottom, and...
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    Some Dog Pictures..

    Her name's Topper- she's nine. I didn't know they were supposed to go in that section...
  31. C

    Some Dog Pictures..

    The first ones are from a 4-H dog show: Obedience. I just love the look on her face in this one, but I cut myself out cause I looked stupid. :P Random cute picture. I had to throw in this last picture- it's a few years old, when my youngest Rosie was still a puppy.
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    Update On Goldies And Feeding Question

    I posted awhile back about two goldfish I'd aquired - I moved them from their 2g tank and into an approx. 30g plastic tote container. They were definitely happy for their new space. Unfortunately, just a few weeks ago I lost the male to swim bladder disease. I tried dropper feeding him peas, but...
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    Powers of observation

    I found eleven, twelve if you count the guy on the horse's. :P
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    Red spots on goldfish

    Thanks for the idea black_angel. I've found a 45 gallon container to use, but I'll have to go to the pet store to get a filter, and some sort of substrate. About the spots- I put the female goldfish back in the hospital tank and added saltwater. The spots have definitely faded since even...
  35. C

    Frogs ???

    You might want to try taking either frozen bloodworms, daphnia, or brine shrimp and feeding it with an eyedropper or claw of some sort. They're pretty much bottom feeders and don't have very good sight, so it helps to dangle the food right in front of them. Mine's kind of learned that eyedropper...
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    Red spots on goldfish

    The tank they're in right now is actually bigger than the one they were in at the preschool- which they'd been living in all year. Nobody else wanted them and I couldn't stand to see them in a little bowl with no filter or anything. Even so, I simply can't afford to buy that size aquarium at the...
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    Red spots on goldfish

    My female goldfish has had recurring red spots all over her body. The first time it happened I moved her into a hospital tank and treated her with Maracyn. The spots had spread quickly and covered most of her body, and I figured she wouldn't make it through the night. To my surprise, within a...
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    How many pets do you have?

    3 dogs, all Boston Terriers. Penny is 10, Topper's 9, and Rosie is 2.
  39. C

    New here

    Thanks for the welcome everyone. ETA: I think I may have incorrectly identified the plecos. I was looking at the algae eater thread and my plecos look a lot like the bulldog pleco. I'd thought they were female bristlenoses. Sorry for the mix-up.