Sea Horses


Fish Herder
Aug 17, 2006
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I know these are saltwater creatures, but I'm interested in keeping them. So are these easy to keep? Would four of 'em go in a 30 gallon tank?
They are to extent well tank bred ones as they eat frozen foods. However if your new to the marine side of things best not to try them until your a bit more knowlegable about keeping them aswell as the tank itself.
You could i think easily keep 3.
Are they easy? Not totally, but they aren't impossible. I ALWAYS suggest starting with sw tanks for a year or more before starting them. Some have started with them with their first tank, but I really do not suggest it to others. They aren't impossible like said, but they aren't like a common run of the mill clownfish :p.

How many can you keep in a 30? Depends on the species.

Plan your tank out a little and if you have any questions feel free to post them! I have all the time in the world, and I know of a few others that also keep them on here :p
I don't have any advice on them as I don't have a saltwater tank but I saw some at the LFS today.. I've never seen them up close before and they are amazing little creatures. Nearly $40.00 (20 some GBP) though. I would like to get some someday if I ever decide to get a saltwater tank.
Knowledge is definately a must for keeping seahorses. I can emphasis this enough, but research, research, research, and then when you feel like you have a grasp on it, research even more.

Totally agree that true captive bred ones will most likely give you less problems than a tank raised or wild caught specimen.

As for price, depending on species or whatnot, $40 is reasonable/cheap for a seahorse at a lfs, which probably (not definately, but probably) means they are wild caught or tank raised. I paid $75 a piece for my four reidi.

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