Search results

  1. J

    Floating Angel

    All of the parameters are normal, and they get fed once a day, with tetramin flakes, and shrimp pellets for the bottom feeders. And the temperature is around 72 degrees.
  2. J

    Floating Angel

    My other angelfish died a few weeks ago, leaving one, and this one is a veil angelfish. She was doing fine, until the other day she starting swimming on a tilt, then I did a water change, then it got worse, and I came home to see her floating, then swimming in circles, then floating, and that's...
  3. J

    Want A Labradoodle Puppy..

    Just please go to a rescue. So many people are breeding these designer dogs, or as I call them "glorified mutts" We just had one yesterday at my shelter. they're wonderful dogs, but like any other dog, the world needs no more. We have over 120 dogs right now at our shelter. They're all so...
  4. J

    Rabbit Or Guinea Pig

    I love both but personally I'd rather have a whole bunch of ratties anyday.
  5. J

    My Dad Is Selling My Dog Next Week!

    Exactly, Synirr is so right. De-barking is inhumane and cruel, and even after it, the dog still "barks" but now the sound is a million times worse than barking itself. Why can't people just work with the dogs for a forever solution instead of hurting the animal, or making it go through a...
  6. J

    House Cats

    The only cats that should ever be left outdoors should be spayed or neutered. We have so many unwanted cats on this earth already, so don't let your unspayed or unneutered cats outdoors. My animal shelter have over 150 cats right now, and about 50 kittens already this kitten season. We are a...
  7. J

    I've Got Eggs!

    So I'm on vacation, when I get a call. "Liz there's eggs in your fish tank." They were layed just yesterday. But I won't be home until Saturday, I am picking up a ten gallon. So what do I do. I read that you can put the eggs into a 10 gallon for a fry tank, but what do I feed, how do I move...
  8. J


    They're probably the same kind, her's was dyed from what I remember.
  9. J


    Looks like a Midas mixed with something, probably a red devil, Synirr has one similar.
  10. J

    Problem Dog

    What I use for the jumping dogs at work is putting my arm out palm down above the dog's head, and staring him/her right in the eye. It normally stops them right in their tracks. As soon as I walk in at work there's normally about 10 dogs jumping all over me so that helps. It's an assertive...
  11. J

    Dogs With Arthritis

    I give my oldies at the shelter Rimadyl. It's a great pain reliever, and helps those joints to not hurt so much. Although it's not a solution, but may prolong the happiness of the dog for a while.
  12. J

    My Cats Just Come Back From The Vets.

    Exactly! It's one thing if a dog knows what "Walk" means but that's my association. You can't say, "Want to go get neutered?" The dog wouldn't know what it means. Now saying "Vet" is possible to associate with the vet's office, but not being neutered. And a little stat here. Dogs that are...
  13. J

    Click To Feed

    I click on that everyday when I get online. I have been for months.
  14. J

    Fish School

    That is pretty cool. Wish I had time to train my fish...
  15. J


    They're so cute. I love rats. They're wonderful pets.
  16. J

    My Mystery Fish

    Yeah it looks like mollies to me. the mouth gives it away. Kois have down turned mouths with barbels.
  17. J

    Pollll! What Gold Fish Is The Best In Your Mind :dunno: ?

    I love the big comets and shubunkins.
  18. J

    Wanted: Pics Of Good Goldfish Tanks

    I have a 55 gallon with one fancy comet, two shubunkins, and two ACF's. And enough filtration for 70 gallons atleast. These are some older pictures. The tank isn't so bare anymore. I need to update the pictures. But you can atleast get the idea.
  19. J

    My Cats Just Come Back From The Vets.

    I wish everyone would share these views!! That would decrese the amounts of times that people show up at my shelter with boxes of kittens, or litters of pups. It's such a shame. And with low cost clinics anymore it's not that expensive to get some of your animals fixed. And Synirr your...
  20. J

    Its Nearly Christmas!

    For my puppies Mazi and Angel, they'll get some new treats, and some toys. The rats will get some new chews and toys. Scooby and Maggie will get an extra long walk with mom somewhere away from the shelter. And some hams. The rest of the dogs at the shelter will get probably some hams or hot...
  21. J

    My Cats Just Come Back From The Vets.

    All of my pets with the exception of my rodents are neutered and spayed. It's a wonderful thing. About 95% of male dogs that aren't neutered will get prostate cancer. And females that aren't spayed have about a 95% chance of getting mamary tumors, uterin infections, or uterin cancer...
  22. J

    My New Puppy -- Even More Pics; No Flash!

    She's absolutely precious! My shih tzu, who was a rescue from a terrible cruelty that my shelter went to. She has barely any teeth and is about 6 or 7 years old. She took 3 months to potty train! And still has an accident now and then. She lived all her years in the house and was never even...
  23. J

    Can You Id This Fish?

    Looks like a hero severum to me.
  24. J

    My New Puppy -- Even More Pics; No Flash!

    She's adorable Synirr! Hows the potty training going?
  25. J

    Rogue Pet Gallery

    Here's Scooby. He's 2 years old and is living at the shelter I work out for now. He's been deemed un-adoptable. So if I don't take him home he gets the needle... He's a pit bull, american eskimo mix, and has the ae attitude to prove it. Mazi, is a shih tzu that we got from a huge cruelty...
  26. J

    Time To Introduce Ellie Rott

    What a gorgeous dog!! Rotties are great dogs. We have one at the shelter that was beaten within an inch of his life then abandoned. He's a little loony and is only good with some people. But he's so cuddly with most of us. But would love to eat some others.
  27. J

    Home For The Holidays

    They look wonderful!! We seem to have a lot of the same critters! Both from PA too. Oddly funny. So glad you rescue!! It's wonderful work that you do!
  28. J

    Calling All Rat Owners

    Rats are beautiful creatures. I have two myself. They're friendly, sweet, clean, interactive. I see them as a cat or dog in a small package. Although you can't take them for a walk in the park. You can eventually have them free roam in your room, and train them to do many things. I have two...
  29. J

    Will You Take Me Home Now Mom?

    He's a wonderful dog, he adores me, they pick us, we never pick a favorite dog. He picked me and bites everyone else... I can stick my hand down his throat and he sits there looking at me, but if anyone else tries, they could lose a finger... But as long as he has me he's safe.
  30. J

    Will You Take Me Home Now Mom?

    Here's my Scooby patiently for me to take him home with me. Some day soon honey I promise! Will you take me home if I carry this stick? How about this stick mom? If I can carry it will you take me home? How about if I bite Dana? Then? How about if I smile big like this!!? Do you see...
  31. J

    A Film To Make You Cry

    It's a shame. The pit bulls we get in don't get put to sleep. We're a no kill. We see that kind of thing everyday.
  32. J

    A Few Of My Animals!

    Beautiful dog and gorgeous horses!
  33. J

    How To Sex Jack Dempsey?

    The males will have a red tipped anal fin and also will have two spots one near the gills and one in the middle of their sides.
  34. J

    My Chubby Man

    He's so adorable!! Rigby was the cutest puppy ever!
  35. J

    The Most Amazing Tank Ever!

    Look at all those neons!
  36. J

    Hole In Head

    HITH is a very hard thing to treat. I had a Jack Dempsey, the one in my avatar that had it when I got him. I treated him for months and months and he just got worse and worse. Eventually I had to euthanize him. He was no longer eating or even swimming around much. It just wasn't fair to him.
  37. J

    New Fish At Work

    Yeah it's very common to see weather loaches together with goldies.
  38. J

    How Old Is Everyone?

    I'm 19, and female. Since most people think Jack Demp is my name and not the name of a cichlid...
  39. J

    One of my many random ideas

    Actually fruit flies breed like crazy. We did an experiment in one of my bio classes where we took some big test tubes and put some yeast and some kind of glucose or sugar at the bottom and as the yeast processed it it made food for them. We separated males from females and put a certain number...
  40. J

    What Would You Do?

    Well first off before even thinking of the bettas I would be getting all of my dogs to a safe place, along with the rats, birds, hamsters, and then the bettas. Or I'd just die with all of them. I wouldn't ever leave my animals to fend for themselves.