Calling All Rat Owners


Fish Herder
Mar 18, 2005
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Yes, I haven't given up on the rats, both of them are still at my work, I hold them whenever I have a chance when I'm working, I've fallen in love with them, they are just such awesome animals. I've done lots of research, I know what to feed them, what size cage they'll need, how much excersie and handling they'll need, etc. I have enough money to take care of them, I have enough time to take care of them. The only problem is my PARENTS. They said no, that they don't want any more animals in the house. Thats the only reason they'll give me. I'm not like most teenagers who will want something, then a few weeks later get bored of it and leave it to the parents to take care of. I currently have my fish tanks and my birds to take care of, plus we have two cats and a dog which are family pets. Besides homework and my part time job at a petstore, I don't have anything else that would take up my time. So I'm going to try something, but I'll need your guy's help. I want to print out a sheet explaining why rats make great pets. So it would be awesome if you guys could tell me some things I should include in it. Thanks in advance for any information!
Thanks for the link Nadine F.
I went into work yesturday and somebody had bought the tan colored rat, the more social one, and left the poor brown guy behind. I really hope they have rats at home for the rat to be with, I was crying this morning thinking about the poor rat being all alone, with no other rat to cuddle with during the day :-( I'm not really upset about the rat being sold, I'm just upset about the rat thats all alone now at the store, I really wanted them to be sold together as they were sisters. The worst part is that apparently a little kid told her mother that we were going to kill the rat thats left if it wasn't sold before Christmas, so now the lady said she was going to buy the rat because she didn't want it to die. Can you believe that?!?! The little brat told her mom that so she could get it! God, some people, I really hope she doesn't buy the rat out of pitty, more then likely it will be neglected after they get bored of it, it happens to too many animals, I've seen it a handful of times and I've only been working there for a month :no:
I like rats because...
  • They are about the cutest things on the planet.
  • They are clever and can solve little problem games you give them (especially if it involves finding treats!)
  • They are clean, provided you keep their cage clean.
  • They are social and interact with each other.
  • They soon start to trust you and you become one of their 'cage mates' so to speak.
  • They can shoulder-surf!
They are very cool little pets. But just because you can't have the ones in the pet shop that are there at this precise moment, there will always be other rats coming through who will be just as lovely! There's never a shortage of ratties! Your parents may yet change their minds (although obviously what they say goes). If they don't though, you'll just be all the more pleased when you can finally get them! And when that happens they'll be your little buddies and you can spoil them rotten and teach them cute little tricks.
I know it may seem easy for me to say that, because I'm not the one whose parents are saying 'No'. But I had to wait a good few years before I was allowed to keep ferrets... so I know just how it feels!
Rats were my first pet; I've had 3 (two were daughters of my original, who I purchased pregnant), but this is the only girl left after the mother passed, and I had to split up the two children. They are suprisingly intelligent and docile and they don't require a whole lot of work - change the bedding once a week, keep food and water fresh, and hey, they will eat your left overs ^^ I love rats!


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Yah, I know what you mean, the only thing is that we might stop carrying animals, it costs too much to take care of them, I was told we don't make a profit off them, that it costs more to take care of them while there here at the store then they actually sell for. But we are the only place in the city that carries animals (if you would consider a population of 16 thousand a city, LoL) so I hope we keep on selling them. I will be able to "order in" rats though, if I was ever aloud to get them. Maybe I'll wait until the summer when I'm home all day and have nothing else to do, except work, then maybe my parents will let me get them. I guess I'll just have to wait. Thanks for the info though!

Oops, sorry Vegan Peaches, I didn't see your post. Awww...just look at that face? How could my parents say no to that? LoL, I don't think its that they don't like rats, it just because apparently I have too many animals, I should show them how many animals some of you people on here have, then they would change their minds! That face is just too cute...too bad they only live for a few years though.
Well, this girl is roughly a year old - which is older then most of my fish have been with me (except maybe those albino cories xD, they aren't going anywhere)...

Tell your parents some people (ok, maybe just me) have a snake, a rat, and 2 (soon 3) aquariums full of fish all in their rooms, all healthy and cared for on a mere $6.50 / hour job ^^ Add that onto the animals that aren't confined to the room - The Dog (who I don't pay for), our Cat (which I pay 50/50 for) and the myriad of insects my brother and I keep in his room (Mantids, Roaches, and fruit flies for my betta ^^) and add on top of that, I have a son. Then say, "All I want is a rat". I doubt it will go over well, but it's still an amusing thought.
Rats are beautiful creatures. I have two myself. They're friendly, sweet, clean, interactive. I see them as a cat or dog in a small package. Although you can't take them for a walk in the park. You can eventually have them free roam in your room, and train them to do many things. I have two boys.


He was a rescue from the shelter I work at. Someone found him under a log at a construction site. He's very sweet and friendly. He's a Seal point Siamese. With tan on his nose butt and tail. He has his own cage for now until I build the grotto for them then they'll hopefully live together.


A hairless youngster. Another rescue from the shelter. He was in a sibling group. There were about 20 rats from the same house. He's a sweetie and is being very good with his handling.

Rats are intellegent and sweet creatures with little care needed to make them happy. Mine absolutely love baby food, especially chicken flavored baby food. You can feed them about everything. Mine get a mix, rat blocks, raisin bran, rodent snack mix, baby food, and some treats. And some occasional left overs. I love my boys, theyr'e a joy.

Just be sure that whatever ones you get are the same sex. Rats can mate literally in the blink of an eye. \

Good luck!!
Awww lovely rats everyone! They can live for about 5 years MegTheFish, so whilst it's not a *very* long time it's not as short a life as a hamster or mouse. I should hopefully be getting some pictures of various creatures that I have later this evening as my brother just bought a new digital camera (only I'm waiting for him to get home from work until I use it! Giving him first shout! Haha). I'll get some of the rats and their cage and post piccies on here.

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