Dogs With Arthritis


New Member
Nov 30, 2005
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There is nothing worse than watching your dog start to grow older and their back legs start to get worse due to arthritis.
After trying a few simple ideas such as cod liver oil on the dogs food I asked around and was told that you can buy a copper linned dog collar, same principal as we wear copper braclets on our wrists, for rhumatism
and things.
Found a new one on Ebay,bought it for £6(the retail if you believe it is £30) and put it on my 12 year old Border Collie who is now running around like a pup.
If you have a dog that is suffering with any similar type of ailment its worth a try,even if you have to pay the £30.
To add to these great tips - glocosamine and condroitin is a very effective joint health suppliment. If you can afford it, or have a pool you're not using for people anymore, hydrotherapy (letting your dog do swimming exersizes in warm water) is also a great way to improve joint health by exersizing the muscles and tendons supporting them in a weight-free evironment without further damaging joints. And finally, keeping your dog's weight down to the minimum for his/her breed will keep unneeded stress in the form of obesity off of your pet's joints.
Very interesting stuff. I have an 11 year old Manchester Terrier, so it's good to hear about different methods of helping our more mature poochies age more comfortably.
At the moment my terrier Holly still acts like a puppy... her joints are in great health. She's had cod liver oil and evening primrose oil in capsules every day for years because she suffers from a skin condition and the oils help to keep her skin and coat healthy. I don't know if this is the reason for her good joints, but it certainly can't have hurt!
I give my oldies at the shelter Rimadyl. It's a great pain reliever, and helps those joints to not hurt so much. Although it's not a solution, but may prolong the happiness of the dog for a while.

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