Search results

  1. S

    more piccys of rabbits

    I nominate all of them for pet of the month! I just LOVE rabbits!! I love Twiggy and Eeyor!e!
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    Pet Names

    Brownie- my bunny that I got in kindergarten. Named b/c he was brown Chopper- my mother's bunny that we gave her when I was in 1st grade. She was named cuz her ears reminded my mom of a helicopter. Mandy- bunny we got when I was in 2nd grade. Came with the name. Nibbles- bunny we got when I...
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    my puppies

    Oh gosh.. he is! Here's some more of Toby- After his haircut (he's smiling!) After playing outside (thirsty!) Toby and Maci chillin Toby at 10 months old
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    my puppies

    This is Maci, my 10 month old havanese- And this is Toby, my 13 month old goldendoodle-
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    Favourite breed of dog

    My fav is the havanese~~!
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    picture of my havanese

    Maci This is Maci, my havanese puppy. SHe is now 10 months old. Aww! I love her so much!
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    betta with tetras??

    lol!! I have a 1-gallon bowl that I want to put a betta in, but my parents think that I don't have room or time to take care of a tank and bowl.
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    My wabbit+other pets

    lol, they're all adorable! I luv the bunnie's eyes and teeth!
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    betta with tetras??

    The Black Skirt Tetra has been in there for 1.5 years
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    My new betta!!

    Oh my gosh! He has beautiful colors!! Where'd you get him from?
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    betta with tetras??

    OK, I've got a 6-gallon with a Black Skirt Tetra and 2 neon tetras. The tank is fine, all clean and everything. The fish seem happy and have full appetites. Would a betta get along with these tetras? If so, is there enough room to add a betta? I really want to add a betta but I don't want my...
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    My new Christmas Kitten

    Aww! I also nominate it even though you already have enough! I luv the sleeping one and the one where he's wearing a collar!
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    PET peeves

    My oldest puppy gets on my nerves when he barks at our other puppy for taking one of his bones. He's about 5 times her size and could easily just take it from her, but instead stands there and barks at her. :blink:
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    New Dachshund Puppies

    Awww... Congrats :D and good luck with all those pups! Do they have homes ready yet?
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    Maggy discovers fish...

    OMG! That is the cutest little kitty! I nominate for POTM! :D
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    Shutting down.

    Good luck with the move! I spotted the kitty in the last picture you posted! that's my favorite color cat!
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    Look what I got to wake up to

    Sweet! Now I want snow... until I step outside and feel the 30 degree weather here.
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    here's some better pictures

    OK, thanks! I entered them!
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    Basset doing what they do best

    Awww! That's so cute :wub: !
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    How much does a FW Tank cost?

    I have a small tank- 6gallons. It was somewhere in the $40 range and came with the tank and filter. It was about an extra $20-$30 for decoration.
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    My new baby nephew

    aww! I vote it for Picture OTM! Hope you can get two more!
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    i've been inspired

    you can check but they mostly only have cats and dogs Good luck with finding the perfect pet!
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    October POTM nominations

    My Link Maci- Toby-
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    here's some better pictures

    Thank you angellady! Am I aloud to enter both of them in the same month's contest (after i get the 2nd nomination)?
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    Some Old Pictures!

    aww! they're all cute! I want a chinchilla really bad!!! Are they a lotta fun to have?
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    bad news guys

    I'm sorry to hear that :-( He had real beautiful colors.
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    Bye Belle

    OMG. I'm so sorry :-( . I also hoped that when I looked at this post I wouldn't find out she's gone.
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    ever have trouble sleeping?

    Aww! I like the last one! He's a very cute turtle! How old is he?
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    Mac the Jack

    awww.. he's a cutie pie!
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    here's some better pictures

    We got a digital camera so I am able to post better pictures! This is Maci! She's a 4-month old havanese. This is Toby! He's a 6-month old goldendoodle (golden retriever x poodle).
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    2 of my 3 dogs

    I nominate Roxy asleep on the lounge picture for POTM! They are all very adorable :wub:
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    pictures of my havanese puppy!

    Yep, goldendoodle is golden retriever and poodle mix. Groodle... that's a weird name! I've never heard of it! To see more golden retriever/poodle mixes, you can go to! They are really cute dogs!
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    pictures of my havanese puppy!

    For my birthday I got a havanese puppy from my parents! I've wanted one for so long! Anyways, her name is Maci and she is a real sweetie. She loves to snuggle and cuddle and hang around me! She's doing real well in puppy class and with housebreaking! Anyways, here's the beauty queen (sorry the...
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    getting new betta today

    I'm about to head out to get a male betta. At one Pet store I was looking at, they had bettas with really neat tails. It looked like a crown tail betta, but the little slits (sorry I don't know the correct term) went longer up the tail. I believe the store called it something like Prince Tail or...
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    worst jeans

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    New tank ideas

    I'd say go with puffers! They have a lot of personality! Before you get a puffer do a lot of research on them tho.. they can be tricky little guys.
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    Which fish to get?

    I like option 2. I think angels and gouramis are beautiful fish!
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    WOW! It is addicting!
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    Hi Newbie here

    Hey! Welcome :) ! Hope u find all your answers and have loads of fun!
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    Aww! You're so lucky to have a cat as cute as her~ Do all the kittens in her litter look like her? Also, I nominate her for POTM! I'm not sure which of my pictures is my favorite, but I think any could win POTM~ :kewlpics: