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  1. S

    How's This For A Tank Buster!?

    I think it's nice to know that there are people out there that are willing to save a fish like that. Red-tailed cat fish get big too (that's why technically there not suppose to be in aquariums...unless you're insane). I watch an animal planet special about this guy that looks for endangered...
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    Sexual Change!

    i think it is normal if there is no males in the tank (imo). i heard of this with some female snakes have babies.
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    Bumb On Lip

    And I'm supposed to cure this How??? ????
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    Bumb On Lip

    Today i noticed a weird white bump on the limps of one on my high fin tetra. None of the other fish seem to have this. he/she is swimming fine and is eating. Does anyone know what it is? Thanks for any advice in advance.
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    Got Guppy Fry!

    My big fat female had hers, about 11 or so. I have shrimp pellets but i feed that to my clown laoches, i have to buy more shrimp pellts anyways. the blood worms are too big for them right now. i'll try that, nino. yeah it is a good feeling.
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    Holy Cow - Is She Big!

    that is a lot of fry. I have a guppy that big. Good luck with all 81 of them.
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    Got Guppy Fry!

    ok i'll see if mine good crazy for the blood worms, Annastasia. Something fishy here, thats awsome! I have two other pregnant ladies... hope they have them soon.
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    Got Guppy Fry!

    i was wondering if i could add blood worm to their crushed fllakes. It that ok?
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    Got Guppy Fry!

    This morning i woke and turned on my guppy tank light. Feed them, them being four females. Came back like five minutes later and i noticed there were fry. I was over joyed. i put the five of them in the breeder net. i figured it was the newest female that i had gotten, she was fat when i...
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    i still have my fish that i bought at walmart that are from months ago. anyways... what i find nice about buying fish at walmart is that they give 90 day guarantee.
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    Plant Looks Like Dieing

    i think its this: Cryptocoryne walkeri, just younger. it's not really dieing, it more like its shedding old leaves and sprouting new one.
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    Plant Looks Like Dieing

    i think it is a rigidifolius. No i do not use fertilizer
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    Plant Looks Like Dieing

    In my 29 gallon tank, i have two live plants. One of the plants leavesare turning transparent, and there are other leaves growing as well. Should i do a water change or not?
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    Holy Cow! More?!

    kool. them babies are good at hiding :)
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    A Baby Clown Loach Has Appeared In My Tank

    I read an article about clown loaches breeding in captivity but you would have notice the temperature rise, do water changes and wierd behavoir. i'll post the artilce when i find it. Baby clown loaches are so cute thou!
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    Pregnant? Female/male? Help! First Time Guppy Owner!

    The Petsmart near me usually seperates the male/female guppies. Just got to look at the labels. I haven't been to the one near me lately, not for fish anyways.
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    Congratulations! :)
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    How Many

    I got two lyre mollies, there small thou. Them seem to be looking for algae.
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    How Many

    but i want babies! thats why i want mollies.
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    How Many

    Ok thanks you. I've never kept ballon mollies, but there is a first for everything! I think i'll try the ballon mollies.
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    How Many

    I was wonder how many mollies I could put in a 10 gallon?
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    tank cycling

    ok thanks you. I will try that.
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    tank cycling

    I have to transfere two fish into a bigger tank. I want to cycle the tank the fishless way but not the four week way. Could i possibly take water from the tank that they are in now and put it in their new tank? Or water from the filter? Thanks!
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    stocking question

    you could do black neon tetras with some male guppies (that what i have. it looks really neat).
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    My yellow labs do not have any black on them

    From what I have seen in yellow cichlids, I believe these are not yellow labs. I don't know what speices it is. From what i can tell from yur pics, try the link below.
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    holding or not

    One of my yellow labs looks like their egg sack is extened. Does that mean she may be holding. :/ can anyone help me with this?
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    New Fish

    Compared to Sky, my were just babies. mine were still young and i have had babies loaches. Sky- those are huge! :blink:
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    New Fish

    So that would make what? 16 neons, 15 glow, 2 clown loaches, and a bristlenose? I would say that's really pushing it. i would not get 10 neons & glow. maybe 5 of each or something...
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    New Fish

    so, I had 2 clown loaches in my 29gallon.
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    "The Tilt"

    I tried mollies and the one i did get was pregnent. She had them and then something to the water (ammonia sky rocketed) and the babies didn't make it. I would like to do a molly or guppie tank again...
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    Tangs, Malawian, or Victorian Cichlids

    Malawi, cause that all I have so far as for cichlids. :D
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    Hello. :) I've been an aquarist for many years, on and off. Somewhat new to cichlids. :D Trying tro learn as much as i can about them. As of now i have four tanks!