

Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 1, 2004
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Washington D.C.
Well, I am soooo happy! I came home, and decided I needed to do a water change on my 20 gallon, because it gets dirty fast with all my Cories and Loaches. It's mostly my Catfish tank (And Loach) but I have a few Variatus Platies in there too, which I found at a new fish store in Pennsylvania. Anyway, I lifted up the lid to start taking water out, and I see two little fry hanging at the surface. So I ran downstairs, got a breeder net, came back, and began the chase around the tank. :p I ended up with 4 little darlings though. :wub:

The father:

The mother looks just like that, except slightly darker. Can't wait to see what kind of fry I get from them! But I'll keep you all updated. :D
Thanks you two. :) I decided to raise these, since they are Variatus. All my other Platy babies fend it out for themselves, but these I have a soft spot for. :wub:

How are your babies doing, fishykisses? :)
Thanks! :D

I am really looking forward to how they are going to grow up. On two, you can even see a little orange towards their tails. :blink: Guess they don't waste any time getting color! I'm doing a water change todaye, so I'll try to get a few pictures of the little ones. :)
I live in Maryland, USA. I guess I could try to figure out a way to ship to the UK...but it might be hard. I'll see what I can find out. :)
Well, I can research it and see what I come up with. :) It would probably have to be after winter though, otherwise I'd be really nervous about the fry.
Congrats, Annastasia.
They are beautiful. Maybe I can exchange some of my sunset wag platys, or red wag platys for some of yours. I also have swordtails if your interested. Two of my Dalmation Mollys just gave me about 35 fry between them.
I live in Richmond, VA if you're interested and know how to ship them.
:lol: Apparently my babies are in high-demand!

Bryan - Oooh, I'll have to think about that offer! I'd kind of like to keep this first batch, just because there are only four and I'd like to continue breeding. However, the batches after this would probably be able to be given away. :) Don't worry about giving me anything in return. I'm going to start looking into shipping after this weekend. I would think we would have to wait until after winter...but by then I could probably post pictures of them when they are near full grown and all colored out and you could pick the ones you want. :thumbs:

GetItNow - Thanks! :D

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