Pregnant? Female/male? Help! First Time Guppy Owner!


Fish Crazy
Jul 30, 2004
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Cuz.. I think one is pregnant...



If somebody could please help me, I've been googling everything, and nothing is helping!!
there both males so no chance of them being pregnant,males are much more colourful than females,the males come in a variety of different colours as the females are very dull with not a lot of colour to them at all.but very nice fish though.
Damnit!! :-(

Ok.... now i'm starting to believe that my whole tank consists of males. Anyways.. i'll add some more photos so people can sex them, hopefully i'll have a female.. and if I do and if there's only one.. I think I might be a bit protective as there will be 4 other TS males after her, lol





The big picture of guppys.. note that there's a reflection, so stick to looking on the right side of the tank


Wow!! They're very beautiful, but I'm afraid they're all male. :sad:

Females have a fan shaped anal fin while males have a pointed anal fin called a gonopodium, which is used to impregnate the female.



If you intend to breed Guppies it is best to have a ratio of 2-3 females for each male, judging from the number of males you have I think this could overstock your tank, unless you have another tank set up which you could use for females.
Double Damnit!! .. and to think I bought 5 Tequila Sunrise Guppys and 2... whatever their called, I just stick to Psychadelic Fancy Tail'd or something.. but Damnit damnit damnit! ... they are gorgous aren't they?

I guess.. I wanted to be a grandma.. as I never breed my betta's.. but after catching up on Erica's Bettas (CONGRATULATIONS!!) .. I might wanna, hehe... 381 babys! holy crap! .. anyways, perhaps this weekend i'll make a trip to the pet store again and get some girls for my.. 7 guys.

Are you sure their all male?? .. hmm.. maybe I should try a group picture again.. *blinks* .. this need to sink in.

but wait.. in that last picture from the second to the last post, one of my Tequila Sunrise Guppys.. has a bigger fin than the other.. but then I see the tube thing.. gah i'm seeing things :(
It's difficult to tell with some of them, but I think they're all male, (most females are less colouful too). Have a look at their anal fins and you should be able to tell the difference.

Good luck if you decide to breed some. :thumbs:

I've edited my pics to help you sex your guppies.
They definately look all male.. but you can't be sure with all the photos. If you are to buy female guppies, you will need at least 10-15 with the current amount of males you have, so I suggest seeing if your LFS will do a trade, or maybe setup another tank or give 3-4 of the males to friends?

Good luck with your new guppies anyway.. :)
Thanks everybody to whose answered my questions, most importantly to Ddraig Roch.. a big big thanks to his sexing visual (oo that sounded dirty!! *cleans mouth out with soap*) ...

So I went back and looked in the tank, after looking at Ddraig's visuals, and they are all indeed male. Which is fine, because I really don't have the money to spend to breed and what not. When the time comes i'm going to have to ask for a shopping list from advanced guppy breeders.

I think i'm gonna name them all RuPaul
I wonder if they are all male because you got them out of the same tank at your lfs?? My lfs seperates the sexes, so he usually has around 5-6 tanks of males, and around 1-2 tanks of females, i specifically asked for 5 females, and 2 males when i got mine :D Pleased to say they all look pregnant too, a couple of them much larger than the others, one looks huge, and ready to bust lol :hyper:

C x
lol, you know its funny.. but I got my fish at Petsmart.. so its very possible that could be the case, i'll make a trip to petsmart to investigate and go from there.
Gonopodium is definitely the one to judge from; you can't go by colour alone. My present females are actually more colourful than any male I've ever owned, admittedly this is not the norm, but it can happen.
The Petsmart near me usually seperates the male/female guppies. Just got to look at the labels. I haven't been to the one near me lately, not for fish anyways.

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