Holy Cow - Is She Big!


Jun 6, 2005
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British Columbia - Canada
I think we're gonna have a huge batch of fry with this girl....she's so big, she's square. I got a pic but it's a bit fuzzy - but you'll get the picture.

I've put her in the maternity tank that has 2 other pregnant platy's, one i may put back in the main tank cause she's not as big as i thought...and 3 - 2 month old platy fry.
I wonder how long it will take for her to drop. If i'm not mistaken, this is her first batch.
Hi big guppy i'v get one about the same size and she only gives me 5 to 10 each batch but her babies are huge to i'v got 3 female juvies(3-4monthes) that are already almost as big as my other smaller girl good luck with it and just watch her i'v never had a problem but i'v got a friend who did. my fish are rarely out of my sight and care long enough to get sick. LOL :p
I love them to much :wub:
Wooo-eee, she is big! :hyper: I'd expect a good lot of fry from her! Best of luck. :D

And keep us updated on the bee-bees she has. And how many. :nod:
Oh my gosh!
I hope I dont get that many!
Yup...it happened, last night and again this afternoon.
78 Fry - as far as i know, we'll see by the morning if more surface!
:blink: I've no experience with platies... what's a "normal" fry range for them?
Most fry I ever had to cope with from one female was 64 (mollies)... what on earth do you plan to do with them all?
Well my Platy's (2 moms gave birth exactly 1 week apart) they gave birth to 6 fry each, i don't know what happened...possibly the hair algae outbreak in the maternity tank, only 3 survived and now those three are so fat and happy! They are soo cute!
This guppy...my first guppy to give birth...i was not expecting 78 fry!
But i had an empty 10G all heated and cycled waiting for fry and so that's how i counted the little buggers as i was moving them from maternity to nursery tank, along with 2 little cory's to help with the waste.
I have no idea what i'm gonna do with them all. Probably offer to whoever wants them on the different forums and if all else fails - take em to the LFS. Of course i'll keep a few for myself. If the father is who i think it is, the babies are gonna be really nice looking. hopefully snake skin like papa.
What do all you guppy parents do with the fry?
Congrats! Wow 78 babies, you are so lucky. My silver molly only had 10, but 3 got eaten by the other adults as they where born.
Wooow, that's a lot of fry! I was expecting something around that number though.

Congrats! You now have 81 more grandkids! :D
Trust me mate thta wasn't her first batch belive me no way that would be poss as the first pregnancy.
that is a lot of fry. I have a guppy that big. Good luck with all 81 of them.

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