stocking question


Fish Crazy
Aug 27, 2005
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hmm well im bored so ill be leaving ya all for a bit and im gunna fill up my empty 10 gallon tank

now my local petsmart ( where i am planning to get the fish for this tank) is having 50-75% off there fish and live plants b/c they are going to remodel the store so with that in mind i would like some ideas im thinking for decor sand and live plants. im not sure what yet tho. so please post some ideas of what i should get. we r keeping it sorta simple right now so ya know do suggest fish that i wount be able to get a petsmart.

thank you
I would put in ottos,glowlight,Shrimp,green neon tetra, and a dwarf gourami. I don't mean all of them but those would could make a great ten gallon. :D

p.s. Barbus jae
you could do black neon tetras with some male guppies (that what i have. it looks really neat).

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