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  1. S

    Do I need to rehome?

    18 months ago, I bought 2 fish sold as dwarf Pangasius. I have since found out, thanks to these forums, that they are African 3 stripe glass fish. I noticed that on the title to this forum it mentions glass fish. Does that include my fish? I would hate to part with them, and they are doing...
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    Green Water gone, but its still white/cloudy

    Hello. I am no expert, and dont know if treatments are bad for plants. But i had your problem last year, and used one dose of Filter Aid, and my tank was clear in about 4 hours. Wait for a pro to comment though, before you try it! :)
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    Plant newbie.

    Hello All, I have 3 2ft tanks, and a new 4ft that is currently doing a fishless cycle. I am a complete novice with plants. I should probably mention at this point that my house plants never look as though they are thriving! I have only ever bought one aquatic plant in the past, and this resulted...
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    When our fishies die

    Hello. I always bury mine near my roses. All water changes go on the garden too. The plants are thriving and I feel it's a good thing to do, especially as our area is on a water shortage at the moment. :)
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    Help worried i will lose all my fish

    That's a shame. Best of luck to you. x
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    Help worried i will lose all my fish

    Hello there. Do you live any where near west sussex? I have a 2 ft tank you could borrow.
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    Gravel Hassel.

    Thanks. It's great having knowledgable people out there, as I have no faith in my local fish shops. When I first started out I was sold fish under a name that didn't exist, and assumed they knew what they were talking about. They even once advised me to buy a fluval 3 for a 2 foot tank, and it...
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    Gravel Hassel.

    Many thanks for your reply. Would you advise waiting to add ammonia until the problem is sorted? I was going to add it straight away thinking it shouldn't make a difference, but decided to ask first! Thanks again.
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    Gravel Hassel.

    Hello. You guys have corrupted me, and I bought a 4ft tank yesterday. My 2ft isn't over stocked or anything, I just wanted an upgrade. So I have all the time in the world to do a fishless cycle and get things right. I washed the gravel, but apparently not enough. It went very cloudy. I've got...
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    Quick query.

    Sorry, but according to my book, and a PFK article, danios can be kept in temperate tanks. Also, both my local aquatic outlets sell them in both the cold water and tropical sections.
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    Quick query.

    No heater, it's my cold tank. 80 litres. 2 weather loaches and 5 danios. They are in a corner with no direct sunlight. They get 11 hours a day with the light on. Has been fine for 18 months, but not now. My 2 tropical tanks are fine. Just this one.
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    Quick query.

    I know that light has an effect on algae. Does heat? These past couple of weeks I've had some appearing,and wondered if it was down to temperature rise? Thanks.
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    keeping cool

    Many thanks. I wasn't sure about ice at first. I knew i'd have to use de-chlorinator, and didn't know if freezing it would change it's properties. Why it didn't occur to me to use the frozen bottle idea, I don't know. Maybe the heat has fried my brain! Thank you. x
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    keeping cool

    Hello. Having a fan on my tanks doesn't seem to be helping. They're not in the sun, but i have a hot house! I've changed the light cycle, so they're on more in the evening. Should i do a small water change each day, or will this stress them more? I'm worried about the tropical tanks as well...
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    Dwarf Gouramis and Tetras

    Don't get serpae tetras! Mine were nippier than tiger barbs!
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    RAINBOWFISH, PLECOS, CORYS, Ghost Shrimp?Compatibl

    I have 2 Praecox rainbows with a plec and they get on fine. My son has rainbows in with his corys and Gouramis and there are no problems there either. I am no fishy expert though! Good luck.
  17. S

    Any knowledge of these fish?

    EUREKA!!!! My apoligies to CFC, they didn't look like the picture. But after looking at the other link, they look rather like the 3 striped African Glass Catfish. (pareutropius buffei). Many thanks. Shall now go and research them some more. It's a shame I can't inform the shop of their error...
  18. S

    Any knowledge of these fish?

    I'll try. Here goes. Forgive lack of correct terms. They are pretty much the same width all the way along, apart from a slightly wider bit in the middle. They have 3 silver stripes and 3 black. Bellies are silver as are their mouths. They have 8 whiskers, i think. If you get close up, they...
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    Any knowledge of these fish?

    Thanks for trying, but it's definately not them. Though i have to say they looked quite cute. I may have to invest in a digital camera! x
  20. S

    Any knowledge of these fish?

    Hello people. I've had some fish for about 18 months, and a computer for a couple of weeks. I decided to brave the internet to gather extra info on my fish. When i got them, they were sold as Dwarf Pangasius Catfish. Think I spelt that right. I have never seen them in shops since, the shop cant...
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    Thanks for the replies. I have applied 2 melafix treatments so far. The other fish seem ok at the moment, and the affected molly's eye looks a bit less swollen, though not healed perfectly yet. This was a very drastic situation for me. I'm a nurse, but have always felt a bit squemish where eyes...
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    Thankyou. This forum is great! xx
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    Forgot (sorry). Tank holds 100 litres. Before you have kittens, it's a small plec!
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    Thanks for answering. Can't test water now as kit empty, but all was well 2 weeks ago. I usually test monthly. The only thing i sometimes have trouble with is a trace of nitrite. Was ok this time though. The eye looks exactly like the pictures of pop eye. But only one eye. Never had problems...
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    Please can anyone help? I have an established tank with a plec, 2 praecox, 2 dwarf pangasus catfish, 4 serpae, some cardinals and a molly. My molly has one popping out eye. My book suggests injury as only one eye is affected and the other fish are fine. I'm new to internet, but the few sites...