Any knowledge of these fish?


New Member
Jul 1, 2005
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Hello people. I've had some fish for about 18 months, and a computer for a couple of weeks. I decided to brave the internet to gather extra info on my fish. When i got them, they were sold as Dwarf Pangasius Catfish. Think I spelt that right. I have never seen them in shops since, the shop cant remember selling them, and I can't find them on the web. I've found other Pangasius Cats and they look huge and scary. Not like mine at all. They haven't grown since i got them. They're just under 2 inches long, and girth of about 1cm. They're silver and blacked striped, with gorgeous whiskers. Sometimes whiskers are forward, other times laying back flat. They live quite happily with Praecox rainbows, tetras and a sexy plec. Has anybody heard of these fish? I feel quite alone where they are concerned! Thanks.
Thanks for trying, but it's definately not them. Though i have to say they looked quite cute. I may have to invest in a digital camera! x
Can you try and get us a very good description of the fish ?

Body shape, colour ? Any featers etc. etc. i.e. long barbels, tail shape ?
I'll try. Here goes. Forgive lack of correct terms. They are pretty much the same width all the way along, apart from a slightly wider bit in the middle. They have 3 silver stripes and 3 black. Bellies are silver as are their mouths. They have 8 whiskers, i think. If you get close up, they retract them. Tail is the same shape as my cardinal tetras. Fins appear transparent with faint black lines. Theres 2 fins on top, big one at the front, tiny one at base near tail. On the underside, theres a big fin that runs from near the tail to the centre of the fish. Then theres a tiny gap and a pair of tiny fins. Lastly theres a fin on either side. I can only describe the position of these, as, it comes out the side at the front.
They never leave each others side. They spend all their time in the middle section. They seem to like swimming into the current.
They favour flake food, go nuts over blood worm but once in a blue moon will have a go at a plec tablet.
Hope this helps!
you could browse for a while and see if you can find them as a last resort.
EUREKA!!!! My apoligies to CFC, they didn't look like the picture. But after looking at the other link, they look rather like the 3 striped African Glass Catfish. (pareutropius buffei). Many thanks. Shall now go and research them some more. It's a shame I can't inform the shop of their error, but as i said before, they have no recollection of selling them. Mind you, they didn't realise there is no such thing as a dwarf Pangasius either. Many thanks for your help. x

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