When our fishies die

How do you dispose of them?

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Ive always flushed mine but from now on they will be going into the geraniums.At the rate I used to kill my goldfish had I buried them all the neighbours would have thought there was an archeological dig going on in my garden! :*)
ps that was before I discovered this site
I feed them to my dogs unless they had medication in the water. If there were meds I flush the small ones and bury the big ones.
i freeze the dead bodies to remove the scent of fish (cats will dig them up) then i place them in a superglued sealed glass jar and burie them
Isis_Nebthet said:
I feed them to my dogs unless they had medication in the water. If there were meds I flush the small ones and bury the big ones.

No offence, but that doesn’t sound like such a great idea. Fish can transfer diseases to humans and other animals just through the water they are swimming in, feeding a fish that may have died of an undiagnosed disease seems a little risky as far as your dogs health and well being is concerned :(
I'm a flusher. We have a septic tank, so it's not like the corpse is going straight out into the water system. It's a little unceremonial, I admit, but once they're dead I see the body as just that... a body. I've only lost one fish too large to flush (an angelfish,) so I just threw it over the fence into our pasture for the hawk that hangs around our house to eat. When any of my large fish I have now die I'll be burying them, but hopefully that won't be for many years yet :)
I don't flush them because if they died of something like fungus, the fish's body will end up in a waterway and might contaminate local fish.

I lay the fish on a few tissues and place them in a box. A matchbox if they're small (bettas, tetras etc) or a tissue or shoe box if they're a cichlid or other large fish. Then I put a few flowers in and bury them in my backyard.

If they were a fish that I had a special relationship with I'll get a little momento or object and store it in a box I have, like my first betta Charlie, I kept the bag he came home from the LFS in.
If they're still under warranty from somewhere they go back (most deaths in my tank are newbies in their first 24 hours)

Otherwise I usually trash them. Last fish that died that I couldn't take back was my oscar Nemo who was a full 9 inches so it would have been impossible to flush even if I wanted.
When I first buy my fish I take pics of them and when they die :byebye: :byebye: I make a little funeral by digging a hole and putting the fish in and cover it up then put the photo of the fish glued on a flat stone and put that on top of where ive buried it sounds weird I know but atleast I get to remember them in some way
Hello. I always bury mine near my roses. All water changes go on the garden too.
The plants are thriving and I feel it's a good thing to do, especially as our area is on a water shortage at the moment. :)
saraya said:
Hello. I always bury mine near my roses. All water changes go on the garden too.
The plants are thriving and I feel it's a good thing to do, especially as our area is on a water shortage at the moment. :)
Ditto. Except not always roses. But then I've only lost two harlequins so far. *touch wood*
FrankSlapperinni said:
I always bury my fish, throwing them away or flushing them seems a little dishonoring to their memory. I'm always very upset whenever I lose a fish, and putting them to rest rather than disposing of them helps sort of put a closure to it in my mind, I know they're not rotting away in the septic tank or in a landfill. :)

I agree -we try to give them the best home we can, and when they just can't survive, it seems so cold to throw them in the trash or toilet.
willtang3000 said:
When I first buy my fish I take pics of them and when they die :byebye: :byebye: I make a little funeral by digging a hole and putting the fish in and cover it up then put the photo of the fish glued on a flat stone and put that on top of where ive buried it sounds weird I know but atleast I get to remember them in some way

I love that story--thanks for sharing it, if I had my own yard, I would copy this idea. :cool:
millym said:
all always go in the fish cemetary..............ie: small patch of garden to the left of our front door. we live in a flat with a communal entry so i dont think the other 4 occupiers here realise they walk past a fish cemetary every day, but as im the one who tends & plants the flowers & garden there i dont care......i just cant do the bin/flush thing.....even though i personally do not want to be buried....i like all my deceased fish to be parked near their ex tankmates........maybe sad but i dont care :D

That is so sweet, I love that idea, and may use that when I have my own plot of land (right now, a condo owner). Everytime I water my plant, I will think of my little cory who is still a part of life.
Flushing every time. Our waste goes through treatment before hitting streams so there is very little chance of contamination (and think what else gets flushed down the toilet...)

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