RAINBOWFISH, PLECOS, CORYS, Ghost Shrimp?Compatibl


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Jul 8, 2005
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We were thinking of adding some rainbowfish to our catfish tank. ANyone have experience with rainbows? Know if they would do well with plecos corys and ghost shrimp? I have many years in the hobby under my belt, but I've yet to work with rainbows. Just out for a little advice or words of wisdom.
I have 2 Praecox rainbows with a plec and they get on fine. My son has rainbows in with his corys and Gouramis and there are no problems there either. I am no fishy expert though! Good luck.
rainbowfish are one of the most interesting fish i have ever encountered....the large size and colorful appearance makes them really stand out, and their placid, yet active temperment makes them fit in just about any community setting...not to mention that they have relatively small mouths so will not be seen chasing after smaller fish (although fry don't stand much of a chance!)

everything you have mentioned should work just fine with the rainbows with exception to MAYBE the ghost shrimp...i have never had rainbows with ghost shrimp, although when i had tiger barbs they nipped and terrorized them to death, which may be the same case with rainbows....however, i would give it a try for sure...

keep in mind that rainbows get pretty large (with exception to some dwarf varieties such as the dwarf praecox rainbow or threadfin rainbow = 2-2.5" versus a size of 4-5" for most other rainbows), so they should be kept in a large tank (i would say 55g or above although i have a school in my 46g bowfront but will hopefully be upgrading to 75g or 90g in the near future), and should be kept in schools to bring out their true colors...also keep in mind that a planted tank with large open swimming area is ideal for them....my favorite type are Boesmani rainbows but i recently came across an amazing looking batch of Australian rainbows so purchased a pair...both types actively school together and are showing to each other on a regualr basis...hope that helps!

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