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  1. Z

    Suggestions For Tankmates For A School Of Neons

    Another question........... How many more neons could i fit in my tank comfortably?
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    Suggestions For Tankmates For A School Of Neons

    more than a month ago i did an overhaul on all 3 of my tanks. I moved my 2 Spotted corries, 2 Dojo Loaches, and 3 female adult guppies with their survivng 5 adolescent offspring into my planted 29g. I recently added 10 neon tetras to the tank. Since adding them i have really come to...
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    How many cories?

    I have the common gravel found in my lfs; it is somewhat rounded and small... is this ok? i'd like to have 5-6 but how many guppies can i have in there with them before its too crowded? I have 8 gupiies now +3fry
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    Bettas in community tank

    I was just curious if bettas could be put into a community aquarium? males? females? I ask this because i saw some beautiful female bettas at my LFS and was thinking about adding them to my guppy tank. also i was just curious if anyone ever kept a male in a community tank?
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    How many cories?

    I just bought two spotted cories and added them to my 25g guppy breeding tank. I didn't know much about cories when i got them except that they are peaceful. I really enjoy watching them swim around together and think i might want to add some more. What is a good number considering my tank...
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    I had a snail come in with some live plants i got from petsmart. Now i keep seeing them on the glass and plants. I remove the ones i see but they keep popping up. I currently have guppies and corys in that tank. Is there anything i can do beside just picking them out by hand? Are there any...
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    Male Guppy Losing tailfin

    yeah it is shorter each morning... Also my males seem to do a bit of chasing. I think i just saw him get nipped too. What should i do with him? I have something that will eat him in my hospital tank, and i need my fry net for a female. He is the only male that has another male just like him...
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    Male Guppy Losing tailfin

    is fin rot accompanied by a discoloration on the fin?
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    Male Guppy Losing tailfin

    My male guppy's tail fin keeps getting smaller and smaller, he is acting fine and his color and body look normal aside from his tail which looks like someone might have nipped off his fin. I am new to guppies so i am not very familiar with their problems. i have him in a 25tall with 3other males...
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    Seperate Guppy Breeding Tank or Not

    how long can i safely leave them in the net?
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    Seperate Guppy Breeding Tank or Not

    how can i feed the fry while they are in the community tank???
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    Watts per gallon java moss

    I currently have a 25 tall with only 15 watts of light :grr:. I moved my java moss up to the tallest rock structure in my 25g, and left a little bit in my gravel. Do you think this will be enough?
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    Question about Flower Horn

    Flowerhorns grow extremely fast and reach sizes of 15inches. Some don't grow a hump ever it depends on genetics
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    96G Still treating for ick....

    I am not familiar with what kind of temp those guys can tolerate but i have found that i can easily get rid of ick by adding salt and slowly raising the temperature to 84 or 85 for 24-48hours as i read somewhere that ick dies off at 84 degrees and that amount of time. Anyone care to add to this...
  15. Z

    Looking for a 40+watt light for a 24" hood

    The problem is my hood is so small i have no room to do that, plus cheap lights and water sound like a deadly combination. I need something designed for such a purpose so it is stable.
  16. Z

    Seperate Guppy Breeding Tank or Not

    Would having so many fry make my tank more succeptable to disease or problems since the fry are fragile?
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    Seperate Guppy Breeding Tank or Not

    when i said how long did it take i meant to ask how long did it take to end up with 20 extra adults, or how many groups of fry until 20 "survivors" reach maturity
  18. Z

    Seperate Guppy Breeding Tank or Not

    I think what i might do is pay attention to my females and the ones who provide the best fry might end up being moved into the 15. One question; what is the best way to move fry from one tank to the other with as little stress as possible? How long did that take and what quality were they?
  19. Z

    Seperate Guppy Breeding Tank or Not

    Ok I have a 25 tall with 4 males and 9 females, i have a good amount of rocks and plants including live moss with plenty of hidind spaces. Some of my females look like they are very close to giving birth. I own a breeding net which was the largest availible. I also have a 15g that is currently...
  20. Z

    Looking for a 40+watt light for a 24" hood

    I have a 25 tall with a 24" hood and 18" aqua glow 15 watt light. I am trying to make this a planted aquarium but the cheapest light fixture i have founf was a 24" 65 watt fixture for $99. Thats more then i spent on the tank ond for that much i might as well just get fake plants, anyone have...
  21. Z

    First Guppy Breeding Tank

    I got a 15 gallon that i plan to turn into a fry tank. One of the questions i have about this is what is the best way to transfer my fry from the breeding net in my 25 to the 15 fry tank? I have a female who is ready to give birth to my first batch of fry soon. Does this mean u have the female...
  22. Z

    Need ideas... What to put in my soon to

    If want a fish with personality and don't mind only having one fish in the whole tank i'd suggest a Flowerhorn cihclid if you can find one. I have a 55 with africans which i love but since i got my 29 and put my ZZ Flowerhorn i have found myself paying much more attention to this new fish...
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    Lost a Guppy

    I have one particular hole in my rock structure where i suspect he is and if its in there chances are i will never see it again because this is a big cavity with a small opening. Also his body looked fine i think he had a problem in the transition; i moved him and 3 other from a 15g into this...
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    Lost a Guppy

    I had a male guppy that was acting lethargic earlier and staying on the bottom and now i can't find him and have assumed he is dead. Do i need to start with a frantic search to find this guy or can i just forget about him and hope i see him float up soon. my tank is 25 gallons
  25. Z

    How many guppies in a 25g

    Thanks for all the advice:thumbs: :thumbs: just curious; what kind of tank(s) do you have?
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    Can someone post a pic of...

    I want to see what they mean by ready to "pop"
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    How many guppies in a 25g

    thanks cute fish how big do they get and do they eat fry?
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    How many guppies in a 25g

    how do i keep them from getting sucked into the intake? ??????? sorry i don't even know what a cory is :/
  29. Z

    25 tall with an 18" 15 watt Aquaglow

    I have a 25 tall with some kind of grass in it and a kind of moss. I have added the necessary plant food and i am curious if this will be enough light if i have a Aquaglow 18" 15 watt plant light?
  30. Z

    How many guppies in a 25g

    what kind of pleco wouldn't cause trouble? I have 4 males and 7 females right now and i would like to add more females and possibly one male but i am not sure. I want to have enough surviving fry that i will have an excess of guppies that i can both feed to my cichlids and sell to the LFS...
  31. Z

    How many guppies in a 25g

    I want to have more females and hope a few fry survive by hiding in spots. Also i plan to add a pleco, and maybe a couple of swordtails or a female beta or 2. But my main goal is to have fry surviving on their own. Will the beta or pleco or swordtail eat more fry than the guppies? Any...
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    How many guppies in a 25g

    How many guppies can i safely fit in a 25tall????
  33. Z

    My First Guppy Tank

    Thanks.. Yeah i am just starting to try go get into breeding but i am not quite sure i want to set up a fry tank. Do you think that with such a large tank i can have surviving fry that are as good looking as my current males? I have my tank planted with a kind of underwater moss that my lfs...
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    My First Guppy Tank

    its an artificial from petsmart with a built in bubble stone
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    My First Guppy Tank

    This is my first non-cichlid tank and right now i have 4 males and 7 females. Its 25g tall. :wub: :wub: What do you think?
  36. Z

    First Guppy Breeding Tank

    My LFS will give me credit for my fish, and my cichlids love guppies. My ideal scenario, howerver, is that i will have enough females giving birth that i will have some survivors who hide in plants, somewhat of a darwin tank. Anyone ever had any luck setting up a system like this? How old do...
  37. Z

    First Guppy Breeding Tank

    I have an old 15 gallon with cycled water in it used for a hospital for my african cichlids. And i can easily get my ph down in it, do i really need to do this though? I have a large breeding net.
  38. Z

    First Guppy Breeding Tank

    I know about cycling this is my first guppy tank not my first tank. I thought the sponge meant something to put on the intake to keep fry from getting sucked up; i have more than enough filtration with a filter rated for a 40g. What is the sponge because my filter has 3 stages of filtration.
  39. Z

    Flowerhorn Keepers is there any on here ?

    Flowerhorns like room, also they like to dig gravel to prepare for egg laying. It might be trying to tell you there is too much stuff in there. Most FH tanks i see including mine are mostly empty with a couple fake plants and rocks for them to peck at.
  40. Z

    Question about Flower Horn

    That flowerhorn wont survive long in that 10 gallon, and unless it is still fry sized it is very unhappy. You need at least a 29 gal for a juvenile. I have a 5 incher in my 29g and it killed my JD in a matter of minutes. Flowerhorns also require oddball water conditions including warm water...