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    Bye Bye Fish

    i need to get rid of my fish :-( . i am going to a boarding school and cant keep them. What can i do with the fish? Can i just give them to my LFS or not?
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    no difference, just the end of their tails are more rounded
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    i was trying to get some firebellied newts but i dont know where to get them from, my LFS is rubbish and i was wondering it there were any websites that will ship to the uk. Any help?
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    Popeye Gold Ram

    thanks, im on it. i have been away for the weekend and only just noticed so i hope he will be ok.
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    Popeye Gold Ram

    one of my gold rams has popeye and i dont know what to do. when medicine do i need ? do i put it into quarantine? such like questions. help!!!
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    New Fish

    sorry i was on holiday but thanks for the help, sounds like the plec have got to go.
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    New Fish

    i have a 20g with two gold ram, two hong kong plec, two guppies and i was looking for something else, ideally a cichlid. Any ideas. I was after a beautiful fish which wont kill my others
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    New Fish Suggestions.

    any ideas, im after, more interesting fish than guppys, i hate to say it but the bright colors and randomness got a bit too much?
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    New Fish Suggestions.

    what i meant by" i left my fish for a while" was that i didnt get any new fish, they have all died from old age. params are perfect. and i have all male guppies, i did have some females but the breading was too much.
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    Corydora Question

    when i first introduced mine they did that, but then they settled down. no worries
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    My Tank!

    love the tank!! :thumbs:
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    New Fish Suggestions.

    i have left my fish as they were for a while and they have now slowly died off . there were some good fish. :( . but now i need to fill it again. I have in the tank at preasent : 4 guppies, one peppered cory ( at the end of its life) and two dwarf blue rams. The tank is 20 gallons. any...
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    posting fish

    brilliant, thanks
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    posting fish

    i have no idea how i can post my guppy fry. i had a look on the internet but there was nearly nothing. any help?
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    id fish

    thats ok dawney. I just went to the shop to get the fish and found that it was dead :-( . i dont know why and all the other fish were ok. poor thing. oh well. ( it was a bumble bee goby) :-(
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    id fish

    dont worry, i have researched and have a spare tank i wanted to fill. i do know they are brakish and how to look after them :)
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    id fish

    i am fairly sure it is the bumble bee goby. or very similar. thanks for the ideas, i will get it tomorrow. :D
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    id fish

    it looks like a figure eight puffer fish but im not sure. it isnt a barb, im sure of that.
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    Is it safe?

    breeding nets are really useful, i keep mine in them for a month or so until they go into the main tank and i can use my breeding box again. The fry will maybe be eaten depending on how big and fast they are.
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    id fish

    i found a fish in my lfs and i dont know what it is and niether do the shop, i want to get it but i need to research it first, i cant discribe it too well but if you could tell me posibilities then i will find photos. it was 1 cm and black withe red/orange stripes across its back, it was like a...
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    tetras move

    ok, i will move the corries into the larger tank. :(
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    tetras move

    are you sure that is over crowded?i thought it was ok. i am getting some live foor tomorrow.
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    i found it just after, thanks any way
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    tetras move

    i have moved my 5 tetras into a five gallon tank and they havent eaten for 2 days and hardly move, i have 2 peppered cory with them and the params are all perfect
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    where do i put questions on tetras?
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    Congo Frogs

    the tiger barb does not go with the guppies or scisor tails, it can nip their tails. take him out. i dont know about the rest. one of my favorite guppies was killed by a tiger barb. ( never trust the pet shops)
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    breeding help

    i dont have the tanks yet but they are all safe and ok. they might be a bit cramped tonight but they will be ok.
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    breeding help

    i know. i gave up on that a while back. i didnt have a comp that worked at the point i was getting the fish so i had a word with the person in the shop, but looking back, i dont think he knew what he was talking about. i researched once i got the internet working but i didnt find anything that...
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    breeding help

    do i have to have heaters and filters in both the 1 g tanks?
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    breeding help

    thanks for the advice :)
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    breeding help

    and the fishes tail is fine. it isnt torn at all. is is just a bad photo
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    breeding help

    the side tank is a plastic floating box which when the guppies are giving birth the fry fall into a lower compartment. it is small but i am going into the city in a couple of days and will get a couple of tanks then.
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    breeding help

    i have one of them in a side tank and the guppys are with the guppy fry ( they are too big to eat) will the tetras be ok?
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    breeding help

    ok. i will separate them. will they be ok with dalminos ( i think that is what they are called, i will find out)
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    breeding help

    they have been together for about two weeks and i think it is the photo because the tails arent shredded in real life, they dont flare, the guppies are fine, only one death which was a female guppy who wasnt bright.
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    breeding help

    yeah. they are all in the same tank. it is a 15 gallon and tha=ey all had to crowd in for the photo. i have 3 more tetra 3 peppered cory and a breeding net with some guppy fry. all the guppys are going to be rehomed tho.
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    breeding help

    i have a pic and i did wot u said about how to put pics on! the one i am talking about is the red one in the foreground, there is a fighter and two guppies aswell. sorry it isnt a good photo
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    breeding help

    not even near. how do i put a pic on? i might be able to find a camera.( sorry for gettin angry)
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    breeding help

    not even near. how do i put a pic on? i might be able to find a camera.( sorry for gettin angry)
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    breeding help

    i have succesfully bread nearly 50 guppies( not hard but still.... ) and why the hell do you think im on this asking questions....... research :angry: