id fish


Fish Fanatic
Jun 11, 2005
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Carlisle ,north England
i found a fish in my lfs and i dont know what it is and niether do the shop, i want to get it but i need to research it first, i cant discribe it too well but if you could tell me posibilities then i will find photos. it was 1 cm and black withe red/orange stripes across its back, it was like a clown fish but smaller and black and red. im probibly being silly and no one will id it but it is worth a shot. :*)
pentazona barb barbus pentazona
tiger barb barbus tetrazona
that's all I can think of atm
bumblebee goby maybe???
Sometimes the yellow bands get more like orange-reddish.
Like the one in this pic:

-- itZme
shuttlechamp said:
it looks like a figure eight puffer fish but im not sure. it isnt a barb, im sure of that.
Are you sure it was one centimetre? that's less than half an inch, pretty small for a fish unless it's a baby.

Was it a puffer? maybe a very baby south american puffer (Colomesus asellus) as they have light and dark barred markings.
Never buy a fish without researching it first.
Hiya, I have just noticed another one of my parrot fish has started sinking ans swimming on its side. Just like the one that died last week. I thought the other one was a one off because he was old. Obviously i am wrong.
I really have no idea whats wrong with it, all i know that my water ph, nitrates, nitrites and amonia are all good.
One thing i did notice though was a long stringy thing that was floating, it was about 10inches long, and it was hanging of the end of a short pooh. (the pooh didnt even look normal either). Could it have some sort of worm? Are they contagous? Could it be killing my fish? :dunno:
I really am baffled, please help!!
dawney g
oops, i am really sorry. i thought i was adding a new topic.
no excuse but im really poorly today. sorry
thats ok dawney.
I just went to the shop to get the fish and found that it was dead :-( . i dont know why and all the other fish were ok. poor thing. oh well. ( it was a bumble bee goby) :-(

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