New Fish


Fish Fanatic
Jun 11, 2005
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Carlisle ,north England
i have a 20g with two gold ram, two hong kong plec, two guppies and i was looking for something else, ideally a cichlid. Any ideas. I was after a beautiful fish which wont kill my others
i have a 20g with two gold ram, two hong kong plec, two guppies and i was looking for something else, ideally a cichlid. Any ideas. I was after a beautiful fish which wont kill my others
You can't have any more cichlids in with a pair of Rams in a tank that size.
You already have an incompatibility problem - Rams need soft water & prefer temps of high 70f-80F
The Hong Kong Plec ( hillstream loach) needs temps nearer 70F and lots of airation.
How about a shoal of six rummy noses or Black neons to fill the mid levels?
Deffinately decide between your rams and the 'plecs' as the 'plecs' won't do well under tropical conditions and without strong currents, lots of aeration and plenty of algae on rocks to graze on.

German blue rams are the same as gold rams - just different colors. You can't keep more than one pair of cichlids in that 20 gallon tank unless you give up the rams altogether and go for some shell-dwellers or something tiny along those lines instead.

A school of 6 harlequin rasboras (best schoolers of all), a bristlenose plec and a trio of honey gouramies (colisa chuna/sota - don't mistake them for colisa lalia which is rather fragile, larger and likely to carry disease to your rams unless you quarantine beforehand) would make good tankmates for your current rams once you remove the 'plecs'. You won't have any room for more fish after that anyway but the tank would be nicely balanced and peaceful.

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