tetras move


Fish Fanatic
Jun 11, 2005
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Carlisle ,north England
i have moved my 5 tetras into a five gallon tank and they havent eaten for 2 days and hardly move, i have 2 peppered cory with them and the params are all perfect
It probably the problem when u transportating those tetra. I have no problem with my newly inported fish. They all eat after a days or so and r very happy.
5 tetras and 2 Corys in a 5 is certainly overcrowded. If the water is fine, and the same as the water in their old tank, I'd expect them to perk up after a while.
>>> are you sure

Quite sure. I'm suprised nobody else picked up on that actually.

The typical "rule" you hear is 1"/25mm of fish per gallon. This is not a rule infact, it is a guideline for the maximum possible. Even assuming your fish are all small, that would be crowded and most "small" tetras and Corys grow to 50mm or more.

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