breeding help

This is a forum for discussing betta's (fighting fish) only! Try tropical chit chat or one of the other specialist forums. We can advise you on breeding bettas but i think for corys you would get more luck from another forum where specialists hang out!

i dont have a digital camera. :( but i have a fighting fish that looks the same as it. i thought it was the male :*) and the guy in the shop called the other a bronzed cory.

ok new question - if it is a fighting fish, how do i breed it?
Ok..if you can't tell the difference in a cory and a betta....then you definately do NOT need to breed anything yet. You need to do ALOT of reserach..please. For the sake of whatever fry might come of it.
This is a bronze cory.

Is that what you have? You can't get a betta or a cory pregnant, anyway. Only livebearers can be pregnant. Bettas and cories lay eggs.

And I agree with SRC. If you can't even tell the difference... You've got lots of research to do before you attempt anything. need to get all cranky and defensive. nobody's done anything to warrant that behavior. we're only trying to help. i offered some information and asked you a question to try and help you, but instead of taking the information and answering the question, you blew up. chill out, and i'll continue to try to help.

and nobody told you NOT to breed whatever fish you may have. we only suggested that you make sure you do all your research first.

as far as the guppies's harder to STOP them from breeding than it is to ge them to breed. trust me, i know this first hand. :) i'm not sure about cories, but bettas are much mor difficult and require a lot more to breed than guppies do.

so...if you'd still like the help... is that picture i posted before the fish that you have?
that's ok. just remember that when you ask for advice here, people are going to give it whether you like the advice they give or not. we're all just trying to help.

as far as posting a pic... get an account at and upload the pictures there, then you can past the image from there by copying and pasting the stuff next to "Img"

why not do a google image search for betta pictures? if you don't know how, go to, click on images, then type in betta, then click search. if you find one that looks like yours, copy the link and paste it here.

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