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  1. G

    how long till she has her fry ;D

    i saw my swordtail give birth 2 out of the 3 times and she had 23 the first time then 32 and half of hte 3rd ones got eaten :'( but i carnt wait for me guppy to have her fry!!!! :hyper:
  2. G

    temperary heater

    i have a little 4 gal tank for my fry wen they arrive and for the mother to have them in i will only have enough money for a heater in a week mabye 2 so i need a temerary solution is there anyway to heat up my tank it is currently 22c and i need to get it up to 26c-27c. thnxs for any reply!
  3. G


    probly true cause my sword tail had baby platys wen it mated with a sword tail (weird ) :/
  4. G

    how long till she has her fry ;D

    :lol: now my other female pregnant im gonna have millons of little babies
  5. G


    i would just be worried about the guppies well the male guppies cause they ,may get nipped
  6. G


    i was woundering wether u could mix guppys and mollys or guppys and swordtails or swordtails and mollys or all together ?
  7. G

    weird swimming in mollies

    my 3 guppies all did that at the same time and a week l8r they were dead (the male go a white spot and died) im sory but i dont know anytthin else hopefully nothings wrong but hope other peepz reply soon.
  8. G

    how long till she has her fry ;D

    ok ill keep an eye on her, i got her pregnat from teh fish shop though so dont know how long shes been pregnat.
  9. G

    how long till she has her fry ;D

    well this aint her but it looks exactly like her i robbed the pic of another forum and this female guppie gives birth it looks exactly like my guppy excpt bifrent colour tail fin but the size and gravid spot are exactly the same so was just woundeing if u could confirm that shes pregnat and how...
  10. G

    female krib

    i had a male and female one of those and as soon as i put them in the tank one of them attacked the other so much it bite and big hole in the side of it almost as big as it. and sadly it died so that went bck to the shop.
  11. G


    just got 3 new guppies 2 female guppies and a male guppie the male is so cool its well colourful i wish i had a webcam to show u all :D i have just got my new tank for the fry if i get some this time and am setting it up now. one of my females has a MASSIVE gravid spot but aint that big yet...
  12. G

    pregnant swordtail

    im trying the oposit of that i ahd my sword tails give birth 3 times one after another now im trying guppys
  13. G


    things just keep getting worse my mguppie just died :-( (it had a white spot on its head so i suppose it had some sorta dises)
  14. G


    i dont think so she seemed perfectly ok with it. it was ok then an hour l8r dead :(it had been in there since yesterday.
  15. G


    sadly my guppie died today :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( i dont know wot happened to her she was fine at 1:30 then at 2:30 she was dead :-( do any of u know wot could of been wrong?
  16. G


    ty my fish is about the same size as both of them so should be giving birth soon i put it in my net thingy last night , and no fry yet but ill kepp ya all updated :hyper:
  17. G


    cheers kev i am almost certain the female is pregnot is getting fairly big but i would like to see some pics of prg guppies before they have there fry just so i know when to put her in the net thing were she has her fry, does anyone know were i could get any pics of this?
  18. G


    yea unfortunatly the guppy with the gravidspot died :( but the other guppy female is growing bigger everyday so i hope shes pregnat :D
  19. G

    Whats wrong with my guppy

    that happened to me a few days ago :-(
  20. G

    Dieing guppy :'( PLEASE READ

    :sad: my other f guppie is starting to do the same as wot the other fmale one did it is not as bad but there are early signs of it happening again. why is this only happening to my female guppies?
  21. G

    Dieing guppy :'( PLEASE READ

    unfortunatly the guppie died today, i did not notice it ontill tonight but neither did the other fish as it was floating at the top at the side. :-(
  22. G

    Dieing guppy :'( PLEASE READ

    i will try and get some hiding place for them. the neons are doing better now because they hang around with the black neons as well so my tanks alot better now.
  23. G


    it costs me 80 p or f guppies and 1.20 for male guppies
  24. G

    Dieing guppy :'( PLEASE READ

    i just give 4 of my guppies away, kev they were nippign honestly, but we will have to see how things go.
  25. G

    Dieing guppy :'( PLEASE READ

    ok i had noticed on my male guppie that there was a bit of nipping being dont to his tail i cept watch for 30 mins and found out that every so often when a neon wasnt around another neon would go after the guppys, so i am going to give away half of my neons (because of over crowding i think) i...
  26. G

    Dieing guppy :'( PLEASE READ

    mabye but she isnt big at all infact her stomach looks normal
  27. G

    Dieing guppy :'( PLEASE READ

    yes she went to a corner and was like u said at the top of the tank but ive watched her quiet closly and she was never being picked on and she had NO bits in her tail. she also has a gravid spot were u said but she is not very big she just looks normal at the moment so i dought its pregnant
  28. G

    cheap tanks

    i didnt think u needed a filter with no gravel
  29. G

    Dieing guppy :'( PLEASE READ

    Hi, i had bought 2 female guppys and a male guppy 2 days ago and now one of the females (which may or may not be in early pregnacy) is just floating on her own in the corner, at first she was hanging around with the other female but she just stays on her own she does not move (unless another...
  30. G

    cheap tanks

    i might try a old plastic tank i have i would need a heater but while i will have no gravel in it would i need a filter?
  31. G

    cheap tanks

    hi anyone know how much a relly cheap tank would be for fry to go in and how small it would be ?
  32. G


    yea my females are bigger i thought they might be older, but i also was reading about the gravid spot i think now one of my females has that but my other one doesnt its still pretty thin though is there anything else this could be or would it be pregnat?
  33. G


    infact is there anyway of telling if there young or not (my guppie is relly small hes only an inch including tail and the females are 1 inch and abit more.
  34. G


    i read that on here somewere to i hope it aint true LOL :D
  35. G


    lol they are definatly 2 females and 1 male (the females are white with light blue tail, and the male is bright purple with a bright orange tail.) i have had them 2 weeks, and the male just woundersaround on its own if it does want to follow them then it sornters along to them then they go away...
  36. G


    this may sound rather weird but i think i have 2 lesbian guppies :huh: i have to female guppies and 1 male guppie but the male doesnt show any intresst in the females i hvae got everything right for them but still nothing, is there anyway of doing this with out buying anymore male or female...