Dieing guppy :'( PLEASE READ


New Member
Jul 5, 2003
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Hi, i had bought 2 female guppys and a male guppy 2 days ago and now one of the females (which may or may not be in early pregnacy) is just floating on her own in the corner, at first she was hanging around with the other female but she just stays on her own she does not move (unless another fish comes near) but she quickly goes back, i think she is dieing is she or is she doing something else.
Sounds like that to me too. Its rare to buy a femaleguppy who's not pregnant. Does she have a swollen stomach and a dark gravid spot (its just by her anal fin)?
If so then shes getting ready to have her babies.
Another possibility is she could be getting picked on by her tankmates!!

What else is in the tank with her.

Many times when a fish retreats to the upper corner of the tank it is to try to escape the aggression of another fish.

Does she lay flat along the water surface?

If nothing in the two previous posts are on the nose, then I would watch for any type or signs af aggression from possible tankmates.

yes she went to a corner and was like u said at the top of the tank but ive watched her quiet closly and she was never being picked on and she had NO bits in her tail.

she also has a gravid spot were u said but she is not very big she just looks normal at the moment so i dought its pregnant
have you noticed any babies in the tank i bet she is having her babies if she isnt getting picked on and the water conditions are all ok then she is more than likely having babies.
mabye but she isnt big at all infact her stomach looks normal
ok i had noticed on my male guppie that there was a bit of nipping being dont to his tail i cept watch for 30 mins and found out that every so often when a neon wasnt around another neon would go after the guppys, so i am going to give away half of my neons (because of over crowding i think) i have 8 so will have 4 left. hopefully this should solve my problem witht he other guppy.
i just give 4 of my guppies away, kev they were nippign honestly, but we will have to see how things go.
get one of those cave ornaments or make a cave of sorts i think this is stress caused by conditions often a dark place for the fish to relax or hide will allow the fish to recouperate. if its not getting picked on and its not pregnant then this will help i think. if none of the other fish are showing signs of stress then i would say it cant be the conditions are bad just that this fish is more sensitive than the others. like a diva she needs her rest i think.
the fewer neons you have the mnore aggressive they will get. they are a shoaling species and prefer larger groups. I'd do like Jamnog said and get a few hiding places for the guppies.

jam, I like the Diva comment!!!!
this situation sounds exactly like one of my guppies, like's to float near the top, doesn't move alot, picks up quite a bit when food is around though, no signs of any physical damage,

I think its a male though (has never had a big belly) I'm a noob though and can't tell the sex :unsure:
ace the females are very distinct with guppies they dont have long flowing tails they are much duller. if the tail has more than one sine wave in its swosh then you have a male i think. (kinda hard to describe)

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