

New Member
Jul 5, 2003
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i was woundering wether u could mix guppys and mollys or guppys and swordtails or swordtails and mollys or all together ?
I would say you could put them all together if your tank is is big enough. I don't think any problems would occur, I may be wrong though.
i would just be worried about the guppies well the male guppies cause they ,may get nipped
I currently have 3 Guppies, and 3 Black Lyretail Mollies in a tank together, and there has been no problems what so ever, they pretty much stick together and the Males are to busy breeding :lol: I sometimes see one of my female Guppies chasing the Mollies around but that is about it...But I do have a problem with my Pleco "Fred" chasing my Male Molly!!! He will even chase him to the top of the tank!! and its the only one he chases!
if u wanted to know my blue calico platy mated with my orange balloon molly :crazy: (i also wrote a topic asking for help!!!) so i surpose the answer too ur question is yes it must be possible and i have heard that swordtails often mate with platys and that they have simarlar getnetics lol :p
probly true cause my sword tail had baby platys wen it mated with a sword tail (weird ) :/

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