
I'm sorry to hear that. Could it be stress after you had moved her?
i dont think so she seemed perfectly ok with it. it was ok then an hour l8r dead :(it had been in there since yesterday.
things just keep getting worse my mguppie just died :-( (it had a white spot on its head so i suppose it had some sorta dises)
just got 3 new guppies 2 female guppies and a male guppie the male is so cool its well colourful i wish i had a webcam to show u all :D i have just got my new tank for the fry if i get some this time and am setting it up now. one of my females has a MASSIVE gravid spot but aint that big yet (the man at the shop said he thinks shes pregnat, as he new i wanted fry) and my male is alot horneyer than my last one, probly cause the shop i got them from keeps males together in one tank and the femlaes in another. ill keep ya updated.
Sorry to hear about that. I had two male guppies and 3 female guppies. Both male guppies were harrasing 1 of my female swordtails so i removed them from the main tank into a smaller tank. the dominant guppy died shortly thereafter so I decided to move the other male back into the main tank. You cant pick it, sometimes the males will want to breed like crazy and sometimes they wont even look at the females, you're best bet is to buy 1 male and two females from 2 different stores ie a total of two males and four females. That way the females dont get two harrased and get stressed out and die, also have a lot of good hiding areas, maybe get non-flat rocks and lie them on top of each other to form little caves. When a fish is getting stressed out from being harrassed if it doesnt have anywhere to hide it seems to get more harrassed and then eventually die!

Hope ive been of some help

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