

New Member
Jul 5, 2003
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this may sound rather weird but i think i have 2 lesbian guppies :huh: i have to female guppies and 1 male guppie but the male doesnt show any intresst in the females i hvae got everything right for them but still nothing, is there anyway of doing this with out buying anymore male or female guppies?
ok are you definately sure that they are 2 f and 1 m?

How long have you had them?

(males are ususally more colourful than females)
(females have 3 anal fins wheres a male have 2 anal fins and a stick (willy))
lol they are definatly 2 females and 1 male (the females are white with light blue tail, and the male is bright purple with a bright orange tail.) i have had them 2 weeks, and the male just woundersaround on its own if it does want to follow them then it sornters along to them then they go away so it just goes and wounders round again :no:
I have 3 female guppies and 2 males, One of the males will NOT leave the females alone he is breeding like crazy!!! :blink: And the other one doesnt even look at the females, and hes was my favorite very pretty so i wanted babies from him (sky blue) he NEVER touched my females, and I had heard that an older Male has no interest in breeding, I dont know if this is true, can someone tell me? If it is that might be the problem..
infact is there anyway of telling if there young or not (my guppie is relly small hes only an inch including tail and the females are 1 inch and abit more.
I cant tell if there old or not maybe someone can tell, I know females are usually bigger than males, My Blue Male was the same size as my females, and the one that breeds like crazy is a small little stinker with a beautiful liliac tail :D
yea my females are bigger i thought they might be older, but i also was reading about the gravid spot i think now one of my females has that but my other one doesnt its still pretty thin though is there anything else this could be or would it be pregnat?
yea unfortunatly the guppy with the gravidspot died :( but the other guppy female is growing bigger everyday so i hope shes pregnat :D
guppieluver said:
yea unfortunatly the guppy with the gravidspot died :( but the other guppy female is growing bigger everyday so i hope shes pregnat :D
aw.......... poor gup............ but congrats on the new 1 ;) :D

Kev :p
cheers kev i am almost certain the female is pregnot is getting fairly big but i would like to see some pics of prg guppies before they have there fry just so i know when to put her in the net thing were she has her fry, does anyone know were i could get any pics of this?
ty my fish is about the same size as both of them so should be giving birth soon i put it in my net thingy last night , and no fry yet but ill kepp ya all updated :hyper:
sadly my guppie died today :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( i dont know wot happened to her she was fine at 1:30 then at 2:30 she was dead :-( do any of u know wot could of been wrong?

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