weird swimming in mollies


New Member
Jun 30, 2003
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PEI Canada
hi, i was hoping that someone may have an idea of what my fish are up to....
i thought my balloon mollie was going to have babies again (had 63 a month ago) so i put her in the net but there were no babies after two days and i think she was pissed off by that time,so i put her back in with the rest of the fish..but when i put her back in the tank she started hovering near the bottom and kinda bouncing herself off of the bottom of the tank, you would almost think she's trying to do a cartwheel.....anyway, i thought it was only her doing it but now the other mollies, some of the platties and the tiger barbs are all bouncing off the rocks.........
are they sick or just playin around??????
no fish in my tank have any signs of white spots or any abnormality and all of my water tests are perfect!!! i'm really stumped on what they are doing cause i watch them alot and i know they normally don't act like that...
if anyone can give any ideas, thank you in advance jen
my 3 guppies all did that at the same time and a week l8r they were dead (the male go a white spot and died) im sory but i dont know anytthin else hopefully nothings wrong but hope other peepz reply soon.
This could be becoz of toxins in the water. A 50% water change should help.
Are they breathing rapidly? My Mollies and Guppies scratch on the rocks, they have no sign of white spot or anything, My water test are fine, I am thinking it might be gill flukes (my fish) so I am treating the tank with some live bearer stuff (I cant think of the name too early in the morning to be thinking :lol: ) but it treats flukes, lice and some other stuff (again cant think, I need to go back to bed )

I agree with a water change and see if that helps..

Also how big is your tank? How many fish do u have in there? How long has the tank been set up? Do u treat your tap water with anything? Sorry for all the questions but this will help knowing what is going on
Can you give us your water parameters. I suspect your water is not quite perfect if your fish are scratching on the rocks. Test your water and post the results. Also, it may be the beginning of a parasite. You don't always see it when it first infects the fish.
hi , thanks for the help so answer the questions....
i have a 55g tank and i use tap water that i treat before i add it, its been set up for four months but it was running for about 12 years so far, i got to trade my 10g for the 55g...what a steal!!!!..but its not a great idea in a
i have ammonia and nitrate tests and the results are still perfect, so i've used salt and changed 25%of the water twice since i've noticed the odd swimming
i've got 8 neon tetra
6 lemon tetra
4 wagtail platties (2f,2m)
2 blue platties (f)
4 balloon mollies (2m, 2f one of them is 6 months...had since birth:)
4 swordtails (3m,1f)
4 tiger barbs
1 angel fish
1 sailfin placo (he's 12 years old and 28cm long, came with the tank :)
1 placo (about 8cm long)
i also have 8 baby balloon mollies that i just switched over to a 5g tank 10 days ago and they are swimming strong and looking awesome and they are acting just like the other mollies used to...
mind you the odd bouncing seems to be a cool trend among my fish cause the tetras are doing it too, (so are the barbs and some plattes still)
they still swim like noraml and act how they usually do and they also are eating fine so just sometimes they hover over the rocks and bounce themselves down
So, if that answers your questions and thanks for the help so far, i hope it is nothing but i love my fish and i really just want them to be ok :)
thanks, jen
Its definitely not a good sign that all the fish are bouncing. I would suggest you clean the filter with old tank water and do a 50% water change. If that doesnt work you may have to use medication.
Hey, Are your fish swollen in the abdomen area and are their scales sticking out like pine cones? The odd swimming and scratching sounds like it could be 'dropsy' too me. My fish have had it before and I am sorry to say quite a few died. Do some research on the net as this could be the problem. Hope your fish feel better soon and good luck!

Charlie xxx
ps. the bouncing sounds kinda entertaining tho!! :lol:

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