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  1. W

    I Need Pics Of Sand

    Thanks for the pics! Keep them coming if you have them. Darkentity, can you ship me some of that sand?
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    I Need Pics Of Sand

    I'm getting ready to set up a 55gal aquarium. I want to go with sand, but I'm not sure what kind. I've searched google and the forum. If possible, I'd like the members to post different pics of aquariums with different types of sand so I can compare. If you have experience with the different...
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    Catching Loaches In A Planted Aquarium

    This will not help you now, but in the future. I have a small plastic cup that I use to thaw frozen food in. I mix the food with some water, and let it sit for a few minutes. Once the food is warm, I gently sink the cup below the water level. My clown loachs, RTBS, and some of the tetras(The...
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    Help Please *clown Loaches*

    I currently have 4 clown loaches. They are very sociable, and they are out playing all of the time. They have a lot of shelter among the rocks and plastic plants. They do nap alot during the day, but if they hear me in the room, they wake up and start to look for the food. Mine will eat...
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    Clown Loach

    That's norml behaviour. Many fish will change color when reacting to stress.
  6. W

    Which One Is Better? Lees Ultimate Or Python No Spill

    I have no experienve with the Lee's. I like the Python. I have had some other products from Lee's and they were nice. I can't imagine it would be a bad product. let us know.
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    With proper maintence, and water changes, you should be ok. If you increase the bioload, you will want to upgrade.
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    Neon Tetras And Clown Loaches

    I had some together, and never had problems.
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    Red Tailed Labeo

    I have a RTBS with my silver dollars. It would occasionally graze on the silver dollars. It never seemed to bother the other fish, and it looked like some would let him. Others would just swim away. It never seems to cause any problems. As was mentioned above, RTBS' can have very different...
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    Rtbs & Clown Loach

    Mine get along fine. The clowns do at times seem to bother the RTBs, but he just swims away. It looks like they try to play with him, and he'll have nothing to do with them.
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    Actinic Bulbs

    I have some silver dollars and clown loachs in the tank. I'll give it a day or two, and remove it if they still look stressed. Thanks for all of the help.
  12. W

    Any Silverdollar Keepers Here?

    The two biggest ones are just a bit smaller than a soda can. If they keep growing, I'm going to have to move them. Around here, they are pretty common. Are they rare in England?
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    Changing Lights In A Non-planted Tank

    I change mine when they go out.
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    Ultra-violet Sterilizer

    In your original post, you said that when you do not feed them the green water goes away. Clearly the overfeeding is the problem. If you told your doctor your hand only hurt when you made a fist, the doctor would tell you to stop making a fist.
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    Actinic Bulbs

    That makes sense, and leads me to my next question. Is it possible to have too much light? The tank almost glows, and the fish seem very spooked. Should I ditch the actinic?
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    Actinic Bulbs

    I'm not growing any plants. How would it hurt plants?
  17. W

    Actinic Light Bulbs

    Thank you.
  18. W

    Actinic Bulbs

    I purchased a used 55 gal aquariium. The previous owner used it for saltwater, but I have it set up for fresh. I received a bunch of other things with the tank, including a few extra flouresent bulbs. The light strip is a two bulb setup, and i'm using a standard aquarium bulb. Two of the tubes...
  19. W

    Any Silverdollar Keepers Here?

    I have 5 medium ones in a 55 gallon tank. I have three differnt variety's, and I'm not sure what they are. Notice in the bottom picture, two fish have a red spot behind thier eye. I do enjoy them! The pictures aren't the best, as the fish are very quick, and hard to photograph.
  20. W

    Kuhli Loaches: What's The Longest A Loach Was Missing?

    I've lost mine for as long as 6 month's. I also had one that lived under the UGF plate. To this day, I have no ideaa how he got there, if was able to get out, what he ate.
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    Actinic Light Bulbs

    I purchased a used 55 gal aquariium. The previous owner used it for saltwater, but I have it set up for fresh. I received a bunch of other things with the tank, including a few extra flouresent bulbs. The light strip is a two bulb setup, and i'm using a standard aquarium bulb. Two of the tubes...
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    Possible Eye Injury

    I have a RTBS with what appears to be an air bubble on his eye. It doesn't seem to be bothering him, and he doesn't appear to be distressed. Should I worry, and is there anything I can do?
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    Could I Add More Yo-yo Loaches Later?

    To further reduce aggresion, try adding two or more at a time. If there is any aggression, it will be spread out to all the fish instead of just one.
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    Clown Loaches Strange Behaviour

    Mine click all the time. Mine also seem to wrestle like you have described. It seems harmless.
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    Water Changes In A Slightly Overstocked Tank

    With that bio load, I'd recommend at least 25% every 2/3 of a day. Maybe more!
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    I'm not sure about "Down Under" but in the states, we can buy cheap glass hoods for about $20.00. Besides the fish jumping, water evaporation is really bad with out a hood.
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    Picture this. Your swimming around a giant tank. Your scooped out along with fifty of your friends. Your put on an airplane(the cargo hold, not the comfy cabin), then onto a UPS or Mail truck. You arrive at new tank at the pet store. You float around for awhile, and the bag is cut open and you...
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    Can I Feed My Fish These?

    I'm sure fish eat them in the wild.
  29. W

    Lfs Will They Sell You Anything

    What happens when I try to buy a fish that I know I can properly house, and the shop owner disagrees?
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    The Best Flake

    corn flakes.
  31. W

    Tetramin Food

    Tropic crisps, that sounds like a cerael. Are you sure it's fish food?
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    Water Changes Could Soon Be Out Of The Question...

    Come to the USA. You would be shocked at the wastefulness(is that a word?) of this country.
  33. W

    A Different Clown Loach

    A lfs has some adult cl's. They are about 8-10 inches. I noticed one of them was very dark, almost black. It looked like two shades of black. Is this normal? what causes it if not? Is it a color variation, or from stress etc?
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    Stingray And Eel Compatibility

    How big do these teacup rays get?
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    I Went To One Of These Today

    The fish selection was more volumne than variety. I was most impressed y the large display tanks. The dry goods, filters, and other supplies were also well represented.
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    I Feel Inferior

    Where are the fish??????
  37. W

    Do You Have A Betta

    Has anyone ever seen a wild caught betta? Do they have the long fins, and bright colors? I've always thought the ones in the store were breed that way. I've heard that there is a wild variety of angelfish that is different than the typical ones in the store. Are bettas the same? Edit, After...
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    I Went To One Of These Today

    It should read "Tips on Keeping Goldfish in a Bowl" .....DON'T!!!!!
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    I Went To One Of These Today

    I didn't take any pics, but if you go to the link and click on the "store Tour" button, there are some prety good pictures. The store in Cleveland looks like a lot of the pictures. At the time I was more worried about drying my shoe and pants, than taking pics!