Clown Loaches Strange Behaviour


Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
This morning I heard the clicking noise made by clown loaches when tucking into their favourite food, strange I thought they haven’t been fed what are they getting excited about? So I went closer to investigate (lights where off) & found that two of my clown loaches where twisting, entwining & flashing each over whilst clicking quite loudly. Has anyone else witnessed this behaviour? If so what do you think this behaviour means? Were they fighting didn’t seem very malicious or where they just playing?

my two smallest do this all the time and they are a similar size, they never really injure each other just a few scratches. It think they are just figuring out who's higher in the rank. Also my chain loaches do it a lot. Sometimes three at a time. Never seen the zebras do it though, they are more chilled out.

Emma :)
You can sometimes here hear clicking sounds that come from them ramming the food pellets into the glass (my sisters do this all the time).
Mine click all the time. Mine also seem to wrestle like you have described. It seems harmless.

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