Could I Add More Yo-yo Loaches Later?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Surrey, England
I have had three yo-yo loaches for about 4 months. I would like to get some more as I have heard they do better in bigger groups, and I love them to bits. But the tank is pretty fully stocked at the mo. Would it be possible to add two or three more in a few months (thinking about rehoming two SAEs, though would miss them)? Or would the other loaches bully/attack the newbies? Is three enough of a group for them to be happy and spread any aggression around? They're not aggressive at the moment but do chase each other at times.
Adding more should be safe. If you don't want to distirb the current order, add smaller yoyo's. Generally, for peaceful Botia species, one should keep 5+. Chasing each other is perfectly normal.

To further reduce aggresion, try adding two or more at a time. If there is any aggression, it will be spread out to all the fish instead of just one.

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