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  1. F

    sickness in my tank.

    My pleco has recently been acting strange. Coming out in the light, and bobbing at the top of the water. His belly is pretty fat, but not EXTREMELY. That's the only thing that looks remotely wrong. He bobs at the top, and tries to latch on with his sucker...but can't most of the time. He doesn't...
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    sick pleco?

    My pleco has recently been acting strange. Coming out in the light, and bobbing at the top of the water. His belly is pretty fat, but not EXTREMELY. That's the only thing that looks remotely wrong. He bobs at the top, and tries to latch on with his sucker...but can't most of the time. He doesn't...
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    Sick pleco~fleshy bump

    Slightly bigger, and peach colored. Not pink.
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    Sick pleco~fleshy bump

    We have a 55 gallon, and yes I'm aware of the shark. No, the golden shark is not a chinese algae eater, or whatever that pic was. It's a top swimmer, and looks like a minnow. No one can tell us what it is. The lump doesn't look like the pics either, sorry. It's one flesh colored pimple almost...
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    Sick pleco~fleshy bump

    I don't have the ability to test my water, but He's with a "golden shark" (I have no idea what it is) a worm loach~We JUST bought these two yesterday at Petsmart which was a gamble because every fish from there has infections or dies. We bought these fish yesterday and this growth happens today...
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    PLECO looks bad!

    My common pleco has a flesh colored lump on his back in front of his dorsal fin. It JUST appeared there overnight, and I have no clue what it is, or how to treat it. I can't lose another one, help! :sad:
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    Sick pleco~fleshy bump

    My common pleco has a flesh colored lump on his back in front of his dorsal fin. It JUST appeared there overnight, and I have no clue what it is, or how to treat it. I can't lose another one, help! :sad:
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    Tropical Albino Frogs

    First off, I'm not an expert, but I do own Albino clawed frogs. My frog will get bloated if he happens to find more food then usual in a feeding. These little guys will eat and eat and eat until they stop finding food. It might simply have gotten more then it's fill. If his belly isn't back to...
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    shrimp eggs

    Mostly the white fuzz shows...looks like tiny white specs in the fuzz
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    shrimp eggs

    these eggs are very tiny like as big as a ghosts shrimp eye and they are covered with white film and there is some sun that hits the tank but we try to prevent it as much as possible and no live plants or any plants and as far as light barely any artificial or barely sun.
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    shrimp eggs

    I have a tank with 1 African Clawed Frog, and 2 ghost shrimp. They are there mostly for cleaning, and a late night snack for froggy. Recently there are about a thousand little white puffs floating around the tank. It almost looks like cotton fibers in little groups. They are stuck in the filter...
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    check the toilet and the tub!!!!
  13. F

    ACF and his shrimp buddies

    I have a tank with 1 African Clawed Frog, and 2 ghost shrimp. They are there mostly for cleaning, and a late night snack for froggy. Recently there are about a thousand little white puffs floating around the tank. It almost looks like cotton fibers in little groups. They are stuck in the filter...
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    ghost shrimp

    Actually, mine have lived in salt for a very LONG time and are fine. They can take it, and yes, they can also live in a filterless environment. They are pretty hardy unless up against a carnivorous ACF. Even the biggest of my shrimp turned into a snack for him.
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    Silver sharks

    I disagree, I think these fish can thrive by themselves in a 30 gallon.
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    Silver sharks

    i think wilder's mouth needs a bigger tank............OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH ZING!!! im gonna buy an alligator and put it in a 30 gallon tank :rofl: thats how serious i am thanks to boozoo !!!!!!! its not like viper is buying fish so she can be cruel to them.
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    Silver sharks

    Dawney G needs to explain which shark he's talking about. Everywhere I go it's called a silver shark...and it's a catfish. It's labeled the same in every store and it looks like the shark in viper's pic. That is the shark I have, and is the shark I'm talking about. If you are talking about a...
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    Silver sharks

    Well if Balas aren't brakish fish, and the silver shark catfish is...why is everyone saying they are the SAME fish?
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    Silver sharks

  20. F

    Silver sharks

    :grr: OK, this is getting out of hand. I understand that you guys know everything there is to know about every fish species known to man, but lighten up. Don't tell people they killed their fish because they put it in a smaller tank. If my tank cracked, and my silver shark was hurt, the only...
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    Silver sharks

    Just for the record, a silver shark isn't a Bala shark. I don't know if you guys are just trying to give info on shark species or if you think the silver shark(who has catfish whiskers) is actually a bala shark. I actually have only one silver shark and he's very happy on his own with a pleco, 3...
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    Carnivorous FROG!!!

    Sorry, your right. That wasn't very clear. I moved the frog. He's in his own tank, which only has a heater. But I wanted to know if it was ok, because i dont have another filter for him. Any tricks on keeping the water clear without a filter? he seems happy, and i dropped 2 ghost shrimp in...
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    Frogs, tetras, and loaches

    My ACF recently ate...or tried to eat my loach. I found the loach half out of his mouth and managed to save him. Now I'm forced to move him(which i was going to do when he got bigger) to another tank. I know I don't need to airate the water, but I do have the haeter in making it comfortable for...
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    Carnivorous FROG!!!

    My ACF recently ate...or tried to eat my loach. I found the loach half out of his mouth and managed to save him. Now I'm forced to move him(which i was going to do when he got bigger) to another tank. I know I don't need to airate the water, but I do have the haeter in making it comfortable for...
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    :crazy: OK, if any of you remember me, I'm the guy who looses fish on a daily basis. I had two tetras(black skirts), and when my angels were losing fins the tetras were blamed. I NEVER SAW THEM GO AFTER ANY OTHER FISH THOUGH.... I still think it was a bacterial infection, but the angels...
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    Amano shrimp

    I had a ghost shrimp for about a week. He vanished into thin air and all assumed he was eaten by my african frog. I changed the tank about 2 weeks later and he came flying out of the plant in the corner...where was he?! So we put him in a new tank and...GONE! I've since changed from that tank(10...
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    BLACk widow help

    :kana: Yeah....My black skirt tetra has been as big as a house for 2 weeks!! How long until she lays the eggs? :dunno:
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    Have you tested your water quality recently and what are the stats, i.e ammonia, nitrate and nitrite? : Yes I took my water to the LFS and it all tested perfect. How long has the tank been set up for, how many fish did it used to have and now has and how big is the tank? : The tank has been set...
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    My skirted tetra has a big belly. It's been this way for about a week and a half. We thought she was pregnant, but it might be dropsy. All of my other fish have died, is this one next? How can I tell? :dunno:
  30. F

    What goes well with angels?

    Wow, thanks for the response. Exactly when did you learn everything there is to know about fish?:fish: The shark can adapt to the freshwater quite easily, I've had them before. They can fit in my tank comfortably along with the common pleco. I think I was so upset about this whole situation...
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    Fish keeping sux!!!!!!!!!!&#33

    Well, the black skirts never once even entered the same area of the tank as the angels. The white one was the only one with the bottom feelers missing. The other angel was completely fine until one day he up and surprise! died! The white angel which was supposedly being eaten only had the bottom...
  32. F

    Fish keeping sux!!!!!!!!!!&#33

    I don't know my water readings, I take the water down to the fish store to test it. He told me the water was perfectly fine, and it wasn't the problem with my angel. I know the PH is 7.8, and I told him that angels are comfortable in 6.8, but he assured me that the angels are great in 7.8. He...
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    Fish keeping sux!!!!!!!!!!&#33

    :byebye: Well, thanks to everyone who tried to help me...but my angel fish after trying to hold on for 2 weeks is finally deceased. I asked everyone what was wrong, and though some good ideas were brought forward, it was no use. For anyone who doesn't know: I had two black skirt tetras in with...
  34. F

    What goes well with angels?

    First of all thanks for the responses, I truely appreciate it. Second, I think your all right about the tetras not hurting the angel. She is on her side and always rubbing against the bottom. I think she's sick. The lfs guy said the tetra was eating her, but IVE NEVER SEEN THEM do anything mean...
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    What goes well with angels?

    Ok, first, to lizard, I think the pleco will be ok in my tank. It's about 3 feet long and a foot and a half across. Second I noticed that the person with the three angels have tetras in their tank! I don't get it. I purposely didn't get tiger barbs, and those kind of fish because I didn't want...
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    What goes well with angels?

    I had three skirted tetras but they were eating my angel. I was told by the lfs that tetras cant be kept with angels because they eat fins. Any other ideas but tetras? Oh, and the shark and the shrimp leave the angel alone. They all live peacefully with thepleco. :D
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    What goes well with angels?

    30 gallons...big ol tank. lots of plants...well kept.
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    What goes well with angels?

    :crazy: Can anyone tell me what other fish to get. I have an angel, a silver catfish shark, a PLECO, and 3 ghost shrimp. I'm getting rid of my tetras because they aparently don't get along with angels. What can I get? Can I get another silver shark? Will the two sharks fight? What other calm...
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    PH DOWN!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow, fish keeping isn't as fun as I thought in the first place. First I buy 2 sharks and a frog, and a glass tetra. The 2 sharks get ich and die in a week, and I save the frog and the tetra. Then I get 2 angels and everything is fine...oops, no! The glass tetra likes to ram then and bully them...