Silver sharks

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Oh and i'd also like to add that silver sharks are skilled jumpers in general, so adequete cover on the tank to prevent them from getting out is a must have.
Somewhat late for my input, I think the question's been answered by others, but nevermind :p...

The minnimum tank size for bala/silver sharks is 125 gallons and they should be in a group of at least 3.

fishfight, the species you are reffering to is probably the silver shark catfish which is a very large-growing brackish species. I think The Wolf already explained very clearly that balas and silver sharks ARE the same fish.

viperhottie5, IMO, what you did was very cruel. You obviously recognised that the fish was not doing well in your tank and that it grew very large. Why ever you would keep it in there when you could see it was suffering I cannot grasp but, Dawney G, well done for trying to do what's best for your bala :).
:grr: OK, this is getting out of hand. I understand that you guys know everything there is to know about every fish species known to man, but lighten up. Don't tell people they killed their fish because they put it in a smaller tank. If my tank cracked, and my silver shark was hurt, the only tank I would have to put it in is a 10 gallon, until i could patch or afford a new tank. SILVER SHARKS, or the "kind that look like a catfish" looks extremely different then a Bala shark. I understand they might be scientifically classified under the same category, but they look extremely different.

I don't know which shark the originator of this thread had, but we'll leave it up to him. I have a silver shark. HE IS HAPPY IN HIS 30 GALLON TANK. You DONT need a 3000000 gallon tank for every fish that grows to be a foot or two.

My shark is BY HIMSELF and doing quite WELL. I advise the fish "gods" on this site to seriously lighten up and stop telling people they are horrible because they're tank broke and they had nothing else to put them in. If you loved a fish and your tank broke, would you give it up? I think not. Lets keep it light on this site, ok?
well i was like only 12, in my defense and while everyone elses fishes are dead or diseased, mine lived for a long while, and its kinda difficult to keep up a brackish tank when you have school and such and the shark grew like around a foot, it was happy and everything and it never was sick or had ich or anything. it wasnt my fault that the tank broke, and sorry that i had to keep it in a smaller tank for the time being. so seriously now people!!! and oh look another web site that someone had to look up instead of experiencing it. try keeping a shark then tell me about it because i already know.
balas arent brackish fish!!! Another reason it probably jumped out, to salty.
If some fishkeepers would research before they bought them we wouldn't need to complain, as some fishkeepers are selfish only want the fish because it looks good in there 20gal, and dosn't care about the needs of the fish.
Well if Balas aren't brakish fish, and the silver shark catfish is...why is everyone saying they are the SAME fish?
I'm going to resist arguing with you fishfight as I realy don't have the time right now BUT, I would like to see which fish this particular person has as that might be quite important for them in case you are right.

Bala/silver sharks:,10.jpg

Silver shark catfish (is this what you have fishfight BTW?): and another:

Which do you have Dawney G? (assuming it is one of these of course)

I don't mean this to be insulting or aggressive towards you fishfight BTW so please don't take it that way. I'm just making sure the person who posted has been given advice about the right fish.
fishfight said:
Well if Balas aren't brakish fish, and the silver shark catfish is...why is everyone saying they are the SAME fish?
you are the only one who said they were the same fish. Noone else had "catfish" added to the silver shark part.

now you maybe confussed, but sylvia, said the bala and silver shark are the same, not silver shark catfish
We aren't saying silver shark CATFISH are the same as balas - we are saying silver sharks are the same as balas. Slight difference there you see...

Research into the correct housing conditions for the well being of the fish is one of the main reasons for this site.

For example, I have done a large amount of research into the best sizes and filtration for keeping Red Tailed Catfsih and Tiger Shovelnose Catfish. Now both of these fish can exceed 4feet. It is far better that I visit websites of people who know rather than buy them myself, throw them in my 90 gallon and then complain when they die cos they can't move.

And for the record, as mentioned above, I have 4 bala sharks in my 6 foot tank, and I concur that keeping them in a 30 is nothing short of cruel; even more so if you have been advised as to their final size and tank requirements.
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